용감한 까마귀, 강아지를 쪼다 Birds of a tether! Crow picks fight with sausage dog on leash "epic video"

He doesn't know the pecking order! Brave crow launches repeated attacks on dachshund by sneaking up from behind and nipping its tail

까마귀가 계속 공격하자 

이 강아지는 화가 났지만 

왜 그러는지 도무지 이유를 알 수 없었다.

The unprovoked crow attacks the waiting dog a number of times

Dog seems a mixture of annoyed, curious and confused by attack

Crow catches the dog's tail causing it to recoil and chase after it

By Jake Polden For Mailonline 

Animals are often cheeky, but this crow takes things one step further by bullying an animal more tan twice its size.

Tied to a railing, the poor dog, which appears to be a dachshund, can be seen waiting patiently for its owner to return.

Unbeknown to it however it is being stalked from behind by a crow, who shuffles silently up towards it and without warning makes a lunge for its tail


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