세계에서 가장 영향력있는 로켓 51선 Are these the 51 greatest rockets ever made? Amazing graphic shows...(VIDEO)
Are these the 51 greatest rockets ever made? Amazing graphic shows how the world's most influential and powerful launchers compare to each other
- Canadian Tyler Skrabek has created a chart of 51 of the world's most influential rockets
- Shown in height order, they include Russia's reliable Soyuz rocket, which has a remarkable 954 successful launches
- Launchers from China, Esa, France, India, Israel, Japan and even the UK also feature on the graphic
- And at the top of the scale, the huge Saturn V dwarfs everything else - aside from the USSR's failed N1 moon rocket
If you’ve ever doubted just how impressive the Saturn V rocket that took astronauts to the moon was, this chart should provide a helpful reminder.
In total 51 influential rockets are shown in height order on the graph - along with an ice cream truck and human for scale - from throughout the history of human spaceflight.
They range from the reliable Soyuz rocket, with a remarkable 954 successful launches under its belt, to the huge Saturn V - which remains the most powerful rocket of all time.
Below is an interactive, zoomable version of the chart
The chart was created by Tyler Skrabek, 24, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada - and is also available to buy from Etsy for £15.72 ($24.22).
It includes the Black Arrow rocket, which was used from 1969 to 1971, and remains the only orbital launch vehicle ever developed by the UK.
Further up the scale we come to the Sputnik rocket, which took the first satellite - Sputnik 1 - into space on 4 October 1957. Further still is the Vostok rocket, which Yuri Gagarin rode on 12 April 1961 to become the first human in space.
The Antares rocket - which had a catastrophic failure on 28 October 2014 - was slightly larger than the Vostok rocket, but slightly shorter than China’s Long March 2D rocket.
Towards the upper end of the scale, the mighty European Ariane V rocket just beats the comparable American Titan IV rocket in size.
SpaceX’s successfully Falcon 9 1.0 rocket, meanwhile, was a similar height to the Space Transportation System (STS), which took the Space Shuttle into space.
Also seen on the scale is the Russian Space Shuttle clone known as the Buran shuttle, which was launched aboard the Energia rocket. After one unmanned launch, however, the programme was retired in 1988.
Unfortunately, the Buran was later destroyed in 2002 when the hanger it was in collapsed.
The Delta IV Heavy - currently the world’s most powerful rocket - is also represented, but it is completely dwarfed by the two rockets at the end of the scale.
They are the Soviet Union's N1 rocket and the American Saturn V rocket. Both were intended to take astronauts to the moon, but only the latter was successful.
The N1 was retired after four failed launches between 1969 and 1972.
By 2018 though, another rocket will be added to the top of this scale, when Nasa’s Space Launch System (SLS) vehicle is scheduled to take flight in its initial configuration.
Sometime next decade it will be upgraded to enable it to be even more powerful than the Saturn V, and ultimately take astronauts to Mars.

The Saturn V rocket, seen here on the launch of Apollo 11 on 16 July 1969, remains the most powerful rocket that has ever flown. It was responsible for all the Apollo flights to the moon, and also launched Nasa's first space station - Skylab - in 1973

The most reliable rocket to date is arguably the Soyuz, seen here launching with a crew to the ISS on 23 October 2012. It has 954 successful launches under its belt, and continues to be used to take astronauts to the ISS
‘I've been a fan of rockets for a long time now, their immense size and power are aspects that I find interesting,’ Mr Skrabek told MailOnline.
‘Born as a tool of war, they now help us to live our modern lives in comfort and peace.
‘Even though rockets play a vital role [in space exploration], they aren't something that’s typically newsworthy but they are something that’s interesting to the normal person.
‘This is why I decided to create The Rockets of the World, to show off 51 of the world’s most influential rockets in a way they've never been shown before.
‘Some of these rockets have flown few hundreds of times but in some cases it’s only possible to find a few out-of-focus grainy photos or technical drawings.
‘I wanted to change that and give a full colour look at these long forgotten vehicles as a gift to the engineers who designed them and to help us better remember a small piece our history.
‘Basically, when I looked online I noticed a lack of drawings or images of the more important rockets and wanted to create something so that these vehicles wouldn’t be forgotten.
‘Unlike cars, rockets don’t get the same publicity and what they do for us fades away. A lot of these rockets are interesting but not many [people] know they existed.’
edited by kcontents
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