한산한 식당들..북한 여행자들은 과연 무엇을 좋아할까? Deserted restaurants,..What it's really to like to be a tourist in North Korea(VIDEO)
Deserted restaurants, beautiful tour guides and absolutely NO interaction with the locals: What it's really to like to be a tourist in North Korea
한산한 식당, 미모의 투어가이드
접촉이 불가한 민간인들
과연 북한을 여행하는 사람들은 무엇을 좋아할까?'
타임랩스로 북한을 여행해 본다.
콘페이퍼 에디터
In the summer of 2013, Paul Fischer visited North Korea to research a book he had started writing called A Kim Jong-Il Production.
He was researching the former Dear Leader’s abduction of two famous South Korean film stars in 1978, whom he then kept imprisoned and forced to make films for him for eight long years.
But his experiences in the most secretive nation on Earth were enough to fill another book with anecdotes about being shadowed by guards, beautiful guides in Pan Am-style uniforms and the country's elite 'friendly class' citizens.
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