무려 1300마리의 유기 강아지들을 돌보는 중국 할머니들 Elderly Chinese Women Wake Up at 4AM Every Day to Take Care of 1,300 Stray Dogs


춘제 중국 명절에는 전통적으로 가족이나 사랑하는 사람들을 만난다.

웨이난과 산시성의 5명의 할머니들은 의기 투합해 1300마리의 유기견들을 

돌봐주기로 맘 먹었다.

6년전 왕얀팡 할머니는 유기견 보호소를 만들었다.

안락사될 수도 있기 때문에 데려다 키우기 위해서다.

다행히 4명의 할머니들이 자원봉사에 나섰다.

노령에도 불구하고 매일 아침 4시에 일어나 400kg에 달하는 강아지 사료를 

주고 돌봐주는 일을 한다.


콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Jenny Zhang 

While the Lunar New Year is traditionally spent with family and loved ones, five elderly Chinese women from Weinan, Shaanxi Province chose to spend the holiday taking care of over 1,300 stray dogs, just as they do every day. Six years ago, Wang Yanfang established a dog asylum as a way to save strays from the pound, where they could be euthanized. Since then, the 60-year-old and four other volunteers—all in their 60s and 70s—have gotten up at 4AM every morning so they can prepare 400 kilograms of food for the hungry pups. The shelter, which is supported solely by donations, makes sure that these animals are fed, cared for, and even groomed regularly.

Despite their good intentions, local media reports that the elderly women have faced other challenges like being bitten by dogs who are less tame than others. But in the end, it's all worth it to a selfless animal lover like Wang, who has adored animals since she cared for her first dog back in 2000. According to Tencent News, she says, "They're like your children, you can't bear to be apart from them, or to lose them."

via [CCTVNews], [Lost at E Minor], [Tencent News]

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