뉴욕 맨해튼에 초미니 아파트 등장 New York City's first 'micro apartments' are coming this spring — here's what they'll look..
산업과학 Construction,Science/해외동향 Global Project2015. 2. 24. 17:38
싱글족 늘어나
뉴욕시 규정보다 작은 10평 미만 조립식 아파트
The city's first "micro apartment" building will be located in Kips Bay
뉴욕 첫 마이크로 아파트가 킵스베이에 세워진다
나 홀로 생활하는 뉴요커들을 겨냥해 성냥갑 같은 조립주택을 차곡차곡 쌓아올린 아파트가 생긴다. 미국 뉴욕의 전세난을 반영하듯 맨해튼 남부에 이런 '초미니 아파트'가 들어선다고 뉴욕타임스(NYT)가 23일(현지시간) 전했다. 혼자 사는 싱글족을 위한 공간이다. 뉴욕 주민들은 이미 좁은 아파트, 뿐만 아니라 이런 아파트를 룸메이트와 나눠 쓰는데 익숙해져 있지만 싱글족이 갈수록 늘어나면서 이런 주거 형태까지 등장하게 됐다고 NYT는 전했다. '마이 마이크로 NY'라는 명칭의 이 아파트는 미리 조립해놓은 7∼10평짜리 모듈 55개를 쌓아올리는 형태로 건설된다. 올여름부터 임대되는데 월세가 2000달러(222만 원)∼3000달러(333만 원)에 이른다. 월세 2000달러∼3000달러 수준 부엌과 화장실은 내부에 있지만 창고는 빌딩 내 다른 공간을 이용하게 된다. 뉴욕시는 이 아파트를 만들기 위해 아파트 최소 면적을 11.2평으로 규정한 지침을 따르지 않았다. 부동산 개발업자들은 이런 아파트가 성공할지를 지켜보고 있다. 이런 아파트가 천정부지로 치솟는 맨해튼의 월세를 조금이나마 낮추고, 싱글족에게 더 많은 주거 공간을 공급할 수 있다고 보기 때문이다. 연합뉴스 |
A rendering of one of the apartment interiors at My Micro NY 초소형아파트 조감도
source businessinsider
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Megan Willett In 2013, a project called My Micro NY won a design competition for the New York's first "micro apartments" sponsored by the Department of Housing Preservation and Development. Intended to create affordable housing for singles in New York City, those promised prefabricated affordable units are finally being assembled in the Brooklyn Navy Yard and will be unveiled this spring in Manhattan's Kips Bay, according to The New York Times. The city's first "micro" building will have 55 rental apartments, all ranging from 260- to 360-square-feet with big windows, ample storage space, and Juliet balconies. Because the architects believed amenities are important to micro-unit dwellers, the building will also have a public meeting space, cafe, and common rooftop garden for residents, as well as a laundry room, residential storage space, a bike room, and fitness space. The building will begin rising up in 335 East 27th Street, in Kips Bay with apartments renting for $2,000 to $3,000 a month. NYC Mayor's OfficeThe city's first "micro apartment" building will be located in Kips Bay Residents are expected to begin moving in by September 2015, according to earlier estimates from the architects. The building will be rent stabilized, environmentally friendly, and — with the exception of the size — will follow all local, state, and federal housing regulations. Under current zoning laws enacted in 1987, all NYC apartments must be at least 400 square feet, but then-mayor Michael Bloomberg said in 2013 that the new micro-units would be an exception. Modular construction is said to be safer and more efficient since the plumbing, electrical, and building development is done in a controlled, indoor environment. My Micro NY will also be the first multi-family building in Manhattan to use modular construction, with the modules prefabricated locally by Monadnock Development as well as the Lower East Side People’s Mutual Housing Association at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. The city is expecting a wait list for the apartments, which have already received "dozens of calls from interested parties of all ages," according to The Times. 22 of the 55 units will be reserved for low-income families. NYC Mayor's OfficeModular construction is said to be safer and quicker than traditional construction The contest was developed to address the growing need in New York City for affordable studios, one person- and two person-households. It was originally a part of Mayor Bloomberg's New Housing Marketplace Plan, a multi-billion dollar initiative to finance 165,000 units of affordable housing for an expected 500,000 New Yorkers. "New York’s ability to adapt with changing times is what made us the world’s greatest city," Bloomberg said in a 2013 press conference. "And it’s going to be what keeps us strong in the 21st Century." NYC Mayor's Office Various layout options for "micro apartments" in the building |
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