덴마크, 질란드(Zealand)섬~ 팔스터(Falster) 연결 교량에 40억불 투자 New Storstrøm bridge is important for traffic

16년 1분기 입찰공고
4분기 착공

Artist rendering of New Storstrøm bridge between Zealand and Lolland-Falster 

edited by kcontents 케이콘텐츠 


덴마크 교통부는 덴마크 질란드(Zealand)섬과 팔스터(Falster)섬을 연결하는 총 연장 3.9km의 교량을 건설하는데 40억불을 투자 할 계획이다. 

공사자금 중 일부인 2천만 불은 유럽연합으로부터 조달 받게 된다.

구체적으로 철도를 비롯하여 도로, 자전거 및 보행자 도로 등이 들어서게 된다.

‘12년 1분기 첫 발표된 동 프로젝트는 ’14년 12월 현재 환경영향평가(EIA)가 진행 중에 있으며 늦어도 ‘16년 1분기에 입찰공고 후 동년 4분기부터 착공에 들어 갈 것으로 전망된다.
출처 : CIC(2014.12.1)

New Storstrøm bridge is important for traffic


The Fehmarnbelt tunnel is not alone. The Danish Road Directorate is in the process of planning a brand new road and rail link between Zealand and Lolland-Falster. This will be part of the new corridor, which will also improve conditions for commuters on Lolland.

The Storstrøm bridge, which dates from 1937, is worn out and will not be able to withstand the increased traffic that the Fehmarnbelt tunnel will bring. Even if the new link had not been on the way, Storstrøm bridge's days were numbered, according to Erik Stoklund Larsen, Project Manager at Vejdirektoratet (the Danish Road Directorate).

“The bridge is worn out and has had its day. Cracks in the bridge were found in 2011 that had resulted from metal fatigue in the steel structures. It would be too expensive to renovate it and so the best approach is to build a whole new bridge,” says Erik Stoklund Larsen.

The bridge will be approximately four kilometres long and is scheduled to be constructed as a combined road and rail bridge with foot and cycle path. The current bridge has only one railway track and a two-lane road. The new Storstrøm bridge will have the two lane road and also two electrified railway tracks. The new Storstrøm bridge will become a key part of the infrastructure for the future Fehmarnbelt link as well as having a strong regional importance.

“The new bridge will bring faster passage of rail traffic, because we will even out the S-curve, which trains have to run on across Masnedø. This alone will save a few minutes. Once the new bridge is completed, you will be able to travel from Nykøbing Falster to Copenhagen in one hour. It also offers new opportunities for South Zealand,” says Erik Stoklund Larsen.

The preparatory work for the new Storstrøm bridge is well underway. The EIA is expected to be submitted for consultation in September. Work on the Storstrøm bridge will create many local jobs. Not least in Nakskov where Vejdirektoratet recommends that the plant for the bridge elements is to be built. It is anticipated that the Folketing (the Danish parliament) will be presented with a proposal for the Construction Act in the spring of 2015.

“We have many major projects at Vejdirektoratet, including some that are larger and are more complex in terms of management, but it will still be something special to help to build a new Storstrøm bridge. It is very rare to build bridges of this size, so I see it as something of a privilege to be involved in it,” says Erik Stoklund Larsen.

EU has granted DKK 112 million (EUR 15 million) for the design phase, which corresponds to half the design costs for a new Storstrøm bridge. The funding comes from the Trans-European Network – Transport (Ten T) programme whose aim is to strengthen the single European market by promoting more efficient, cross-border transport corridors.

The new Storstrøm bridge will cost about DKK 4 billion and is expected to be ready in 2021, when work on Fehmarnbelt tunnel will also be complete.

Photo credits: Vejdirektoratet


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