칠흑 같은 어둠 속의 천상의 사진들 Ethereal Landscape Photos Captured During Pitch-Dark Nights

영국 사진작가 '폴 톰슨'은 대형카메라(65mm)를 사용해 2년간 '문라이트'라는 

주제로 칠흑같이 어두운 경치 사진들을 촬영해왔다.

edited by kcontents 케이콘텐츠 

Posted by Sara Barnes

Don’t let these gorgeous, ethereal photos fool you - they were taken in the pitch-black darkness. For the past two years, British photographer Paul Thompson has pushed the boundaries of night photography using a large format camera. His images make up a series titled Moonlight, and they feature desolate views of the land and sea cloaked in beautiful, often-hazy colors. They’re moody, atmospheric, and feel like scenes from fantastical film.

Thompson’s locations are usually so dark that it’s impossible for him to see his camera when he opens the shutter. Because of this, it requires exposure times of up to two hours, and the results are unpredictable. He only attempts a picture once, and he doesn’t test how it might look beforehand. So, his photographs are at the mercy of the surrounding environment. Clouds and tides change over the course of a couple of hours, and Thompson is never sure how each image will unfold.

Paul Thompson website
via [PetaPixel and ND Magazine]

edited by kcontents

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