러시아 중국,세계최대 풍력 열병합 발전소 건설추진 Russia and China are jointly exploring the potential of installing up to 50 GW of wind

SOURCE evwind.es

극동 ,Far East

동아시아와 거의 동일한 의미로, 구체적으로는 한반도, 중국, 일본, 시베리아 동부 등을 포함한 지역을 가리키는 

경우가 많다. 근동, 중동보다 훨씬 먼 동방이라는 의미가 있으며 종래 유럽인의 시각에서 나타내는 호칭이다. 

[네이버 지식백과]

[관련보도링크 Related Article]

The Chinese have proposed to build in the Amur region largest power plant in Russia


케이콘텐츠 kcontents


러시아가 동아시아 지역에 전세계 풍력시장의 13%에 해당하는 50GW 규모의 풍력발전 건설을 계획하고 있으며 중국이 이 프로젝트에 관심을 보이고 있다고 러시아 풍력발전협회 고위관리가 말했다.

또한  중국은 러시아에 아무르지역에 세계 최대 규모인 8GW의 열병합 발전소(TPP)의 건설을 제안

했으며 이 프로젝트가 완성되면 향후 35백만톤의 석탄 생산과 함께 전력을 중국으로 송전하게 된다.  

소요 비용은 약 150억불로 추산되고 있으며 현재 양국은 사업 타당성 조사가 작년말에 완료됐다

중국은 기술, 러시아는 자원에 대한 일련의 양국간 상호 호혜 교류의 일환으로 보여지고 있다.


콘페이퍼 에디터

Location Map: Amur region largest power plant in Russia

edited by kcontents


Ministry of Energy plans to build in the Far East to 50 GW of wind power (13% of the power of the world market) sound very ambitious, says the head of the Russian Association of Wind Power Industry Igor Bryzgunov.

State Grid Company of China≫ (HES) has confirmed interest in the giant energy projects in Russia. 

≪Inter RAO≫ and HES chose to export Erkovetskoy TPP maximum capacity of eight gigawatts — it could become the largest in the Russian Federation. 

With coal production capacity of 35 million tons per year and power lines in the center of China project is estimated at $ 15 billion. In addition, the SEC is ready to explore the possibility of creating in Russia unprecedented in the world wind power capacity to 50 GW. However, some market participants questioned the feasibility of the project, informs ≪Pacific Russia≫.

On Friday, CEO of HES China Shu Inbyao reported that power Erkovetskoy TPP, which is going to build a ≪Inter RAO≫ and HES in the Amur region counting on exports to China, determined at the highest level — eight gigawatts. TPP could become the largest power plants in Russia. ≪Now we are discussing the construction of infrastructure in the context of Erkovetskom mining 35 million tons of coal a year≫, — said Mr. Shu. TES onboard deposit will transmit electricity at 800 kV transmission line length of two thousand. Km, which crosses the border near the city of Heihe. As the source said, ≪Kommersant≫, the power of eight GW selected on the basis of a preliminary feasibility study, completed in late 2014.

Preliminary assessment of investment in all components of the project — coal mining, construction of thermal power plants and transmission lines — $ 15 billion, said Shu Inbyao. The parties have not yet agreed on the distribution of shares in the project can enter the new investors. China gives a guarantee of purchase of power, says a source, ≪Kommersant≫, the price will include the investment component. A source close to ≪Rosset≫, said that now is not yet discussed the issue of the Russian part of the control (80 km) transmission line.

HES studies and the opportunity to participate in another superproject in Russia. On Friday, Minister of Energy Minister Alexander Novak said that in the north of the Far East can be built up to 50 GW of wind power. It’s about cooperation, ≪Russian Energy Agency≫ (CEA, under the control of the Ministry of Energy) with HES — parties in September 2014 agreed to study study for construction of wind power. The project also includes ultra-high voltage power transmission lines in China. ≪We are studying this project≫, — confirmed yesterday Inbyao Shu, adding that the company has already examined the site for a wind farm.

CEA deputy director Igor Kozhukhovskiy told ≪Kommersant≫ that the parties are looking for a suitable place in remote areas, are considered sites in the Khabarovsk Territory, Primorye, Sakhalin. The wind farm has to be combined with HPS or TPP, to compensate for uneven production, he said. Reviewed and domestic electricity consumers, added Mr. Kozhukhovskiy. He said that China is the leader in wind power generation capacity (100 GW), local companies have the equipment for wind farms, which can be localized in Russia, as well as ultra-high voltage power transmission technology. By the end of the year should be understandable amount of investment and economic feasibility of the project — whether at the level of export prices in Beijing or not, said a top manager.

In ≪RAO ES of the East≫ (until 2016 wants to build a 17 MW wind power in Kamchatka) and ≪System Operator≫ it does not comment on because they do not participate in the project. In 2013, the selection of projects for wind power generation wholesale power limiting capital expenditures amounted to 65.6 thousand. Rub. per kW; with such an expenditure of 50 GW will cost 3.28 trillion rubles. Industry investors have repeatedly complained that the level of CAPEX does not reflect the cost of equipment and lending rates.

This is an expensive and ambitious project, but it is realistic given the pace of growth of wind power in China, according to deputy director of HC ≪Composite≫ (produces components of wind turbines) Dmitry Zhurba. In world practice there are examples of export development of wind farms: in Denmark there were situations when wind generation exceeds demand in the country, he said. But another source ≪Kommersanta≫ the market does not believe in the feasibility of the project: for load balancing need powerful storage and backup power in isolated systems may not be. At the same time, he adds, if the complex to attach to the Unified Energy System of Russia, it destroyed the traditional market of generation, as it happened in Europe, and the stability of the system decreases.

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