스리랑카 인공섬 개발, 중국 오해 불식 위해 사업승인 Sri Lanka approves Chinese port project to avoid 'misunderstanding' with Beijing

15억불 규모 차이나 펀드 개발 사업

구 정부 때 약속한 개발사업 취소 후 번복

Sri Lanka is planning to build an artificial island off Hambantota in the south of the island with the 

sand dredged to expand a port there.

스리랑카정부는 남부의 함반토타에 인공섬 조성계획을 최종 승인했다.

이 프로젝트는 구 정부에서 중국 자본으로 시행계획이었으나 정부가  바뀌면서 

사업 자체가 취소될 계획이었다. 

하지만 인도의 우려에도 불구하고 중국의 압력으로 재검토 방침을 철회하고 다시 

건설하는 쪽으로 선회했다.

구 정부가 친중국인 반면 신정부는 미국 인도와 교류하는 것을 원하고 있었으며 

인도는 스리랑카에 중국의 군사기지의 건설을 우려하며 서로 대립각을 세워왔다.

현재 중국은 스리랑카의 최대 차관국이다.


콘페이퍼 에디터

케이콘텐츠 kcontents

Decision to allow project taken despite previous opposition 


Sri Lanka’s new government will go ahead with a $1.5 bn Chinese-funded port city project planned by the previous president to avoid misunderstandings with Beijing, an official said Thursday.

Chinese President Xi Jinping officially launched the city’s development on an artificial island during a visit to Sri Lanka last September. The new government of President Maithripala Sirisena has said it wants to review all projects to ensure they are environmentally viable and corruption-free.

Cabinet spokesman Rajitha Senaratne told reporters that the project will go ahead despite an incomplete environment assessment to avoid a “misunderstanding” with the Chinese government.

Since being elected last month, Sirisena’s government has moved to mend relations with the United States and neighbouring India which were strained during the pro-Beijing administration of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. The decision to continue the port project is seen as an effort to reassure China.

Chinese Assistant Foreign Minister Liu Jianchao will meet Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe on Friday, a government statement said.

Senaratne said an environment impact assessment was completed for the reclamation part of the project but not for the city development.

“But there is time to do that. So the project will continue while rectifying the shortcomings,” he said.

He said the project will be discussed along with any alternations during a visit by Sirisena to Beijing next month.

Under Rajapaksa, relations with China strengthened, with heavy Chinese investment. The port city project became the face of Chinese influence in the country.

Two recent port calls by Chinese submarines at a Chinese-built terminal in Colombo fuelled speculation that Beijing wants to have port access along strategic sea lanes linking the energy-rich Persian Gulf and economic centres in eastern China.

The submarine visits spooked India, which lies just 30 miles (50 kms) from Sri Lanka and shares U.S. uncertainty about Beijing’s intentions as China’s military power grows.

China has become Sri Lanka’s largest lender in recent years, providing more than $6 bn through September 2013 for port facilities, highways and a new international airport.

China also supplied weapons to the government during Sri Lanka’s civil war that ended in 2009 with the defeat of ethnic Tamil separatists, and has defended the Indian Ocean island nation from allegations of human rights abuses and calls for a UN investigation into alleged war crimes.

edited by kcontents

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