심장이 가장 위험한 다섯 순간 6 surprising heart attack triggers
1. 아침에 눈을 떴을 때 심장마비는 아침 시간에 40% 증가한다. 잠에서 깨어난 직후 우리 몸의 아드레날린과 스트레스 호르몬 분비 때문에 혈압상승, 산소 필요량이 증가하고 수분이 부족하게 되어 혈액이 끈끈해지고 장 박동 공급 속도가 느려지기 때문임. 침대에서 천천히 일어나고, 아침 운동에 앞서 워밍업을 천천히 하여 심장 부담을 줄인다. 2. 월요일 아침 전체 심장마비의 20%가 월요일 아침에 일어난다. 휴일을 보내고 업무복귀 한다는 부담감과 스트레스가 악영향을 미친다. 토, 일요일에 늦 잠자는 버릇을 없애고, 충분한 수면을 취하여 월요일 아침 일찍 일어나는데 부담스럽지 않도록 한다. 3. 저녁 과식 후 포만감으로 심장의 부담감이 가중되고 특히 고지방. 고 탄수화물 식사는 혈관을 수축하여 피를 엉기게 한다. 저녁에 과식을 피하고 적정량만 먹는 습관을 들이며, 위장 장애가 없으면 매일 아스피린을 복용하여 혈액이 끈끈해지는 것을 막는 것이 좋다. 4. 급격히 운동할 때 평소하지 않다가 갑자기 과격한 신체 활동을 할 때 심장에 엄청난 부담이 온다. ⇒ 규칙적인 운동으로 신체를 단련하고 운동 강도를 서서히 증가시키며 운동 후 약10분가량 스트레칭 등으로 마무리하는 습관을 기른다. 5. 긴장상태가 지속될 때 심한 근심, 걱정 등이 지속되는 것은 심장 건강 관점에서 갑작스런 운동만큼 위험하다. 혈압, 심박수, 아드레날린 수치가 상승되고 온몸이 경직된다. ⇒ 심호흡, 스트레스 해소 등으로 긴장을 늦추고, 협심증, 혈압 치료제 복용이 도움 된다 |
Traffic, Monday mornings, public speaking all pose danger to your ticker
By Arthur Agatston, M.D., Prevention "How's the traffic?" That's one of the first questions I ask patients who visit my office. But I'm not just making small talk. Being stuck in traffic raises blood pressure and triples heart attack risk. So if a patient has had a tough commute and her BP is elevated, I'll recheck it later. There are other surprising situations and times when the chance of heart attack rises dramatically. If you or someone you know has a history of heart trouble, here's when to be watchful: First thing in the morning The risk of heart attack increases 40% in the morning, Harvard researchers estimate. Why? As you awaken, your body secretes adrenaline and other stress hormones, increasing blood pressure and a demand for oxygen. Your blood is also thicker and harder to pump because you're partially dehydrated. All this taxes the heart. Protect yourself: Build some time into your wake schedule so you can hit the snooze button and wake up slowly. If you're a morning exerciser, warm up thoroughly so as not to additionally stress the heart. And if you're on a beta-blocker, take it before bed so the medication is at full strength in the AM. On Monday mornings especially Twenty percent more heart attacks occur on this day, probably because people are stressed and depressed about returning to work. Protect yourself: Relax on Sunday, but try not to sleep in. Getting up early on Monday after sleeping late Saturday and Sunday can raise blood pressure even more because your body is fatigued and its natural rhythms are out of whack. Try to maintain a regular sleep/wake schedule all week. At the podium From the heart's perspective, public speaking can be similar to unaccustomed exercise. Extreme nervousness raises blood pressure, heart rate, and adrenaline levels, all of which can make the presentation itself a secondary worry. Protect yourself: To counter these effects, some of my patients take a betablocker before speaking, flying, or doing anything that makes them overly anxious. After a high-fat, high-carb meal Studies show these foods constrict blood vessels, making blood more prone to clot. Protect yourself: If you must indulge, keep your portion sizes reasonable. A daily aspirin will also help prevent blood "stickiness." During a bowel movement Straining increases pressure in the chest, slowing the return of blood to the heart. Protect yourself: Eat lots of fiber, stay hydrated, and avoid straining. During vigorous exercise you're unprepared for Having a heart attack while shoveling snow is a classic example of this. The heart attack occurs because the victim isn't accustomed to that kind of effort and stress hormones skyrocket, causing blood pressure and heart rate to jump. Protect yourself: Regular exercise protects your heart. But increase your intensity level gradually. Arthur Agatston, MD, an associate professor of medicine at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, is the author of The South Beach Diet Supercharged: Faster Weight Loss and Better Health for Life. He maintains a cardiology practice and research foundation in Miami Beach, FL. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/34092793/ns/health-heart_health/t/surprising-heart-attack-triggers/ |
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