자연과의 암묵적 대화 Poetic Photos of Women Surrounded by the Beauty of Nature

자연과의 암묵적 대화

스페인 마드리드 사진작가 엘레나 델 팔라치오는 자연과  어우러지는 

마치 꿈을 꾸는 듯한 몽환적 사진작업을 했다.

케이콘텐츠 kcontents

Posted by Sara Barnes

Madrid-based photographer Elena del Palacio crafts images that conjure ethereal, dream-like scenarios in the wilderness. The vivid pictures feature young women who are often surrounded by the vast beauty of nature. They’re shown contemplating the world around them as well as being at rest. Babbling brooks, grassy fields, and gigantic tree roots become their bed in these peaceful tales.

Del Palacio’s photos poetically illustrate a relationship to the natural world. The quiet scenes depict the women at one with the environment rather than trying to rule it. Instead, they treat the landscape and its inhabitants with a mutual admiration. This beautiful union is a welcome reminder that the world is a exquisite place - all you have to do is take the time to enjoy it.

Elena del Palacio Flickr and Facebook page
via [I Need a Guide]


