러시아, 우크라이나 '위성발사 대행사업' 일방적 중단 Moscow Suspends Russian-Ukrainian Nuclear Missile Conversion Program
케이콘텐츠 kcontents
러시아는 우크라이나와의 합작 우주사업인 '드네프르(Dnepr)' 로켓 발사를 중단하기로 했다고 러시아 연방우주청(로스코스모스)이 2일 발표했다. 타스 통신은 로스코스모스의 발표를 인용해 "드네프로 발사 사업이 중단됐으며 이 사업의 전망은 앞으로 결정될 것이다"고 보도했다. 세르게이 포노마료프 로스코스모스 부국장은 지난해 5월 러시아와 우크라이나는 양국 관계가 악화돼도 드네프르 사업은 지속할 것이라고 발표했었다. 현지 미디어들은 러시아 우주사업계의 한 고위 관리가 양국의 경제 정치 및 군사적 이해관계상 이 사업을 지속할 수 없게 됐다고 말했다고 보도했다. 드네프르 사업은 소련 시절의 대륙간탄도미사일(ICBM) RS-20을 민용 로켓 드네프르로 전환해 외국의 위성들을 우주로 발사하는 사업으로 러시아와 우크라이나 및 카자흐스탄의 합작사업체 코스모트라스가 수행하고 있다. 코스모트라스의 웹사이트에 따르면 이 기구는 1999년 이후 20회의 우주선 발사를 성공적으로 수행했다. 코스모트라스의 다음 사업은 3월 한국의 다목적 실용위성 3A호(아리랑 3A호)의 발사로 예정돼 있었다. [모스크바=신화/뉴시스]양문평 기자 yang_pyung@newsis.com |
Denis Grishkin / Vedomosti
Dnepr rockets are actually surplus SS-18 Satan missiles — capable of showering Russia's enemies with
10 independently targeting nuclear warheads per missile.
Dnepr rockets are actually surplus SS-18 Satan missiles — capable of showering Russia's enemies with 10 independently targeting nuclear warheads per missile. .Russia's federal Space Agency has suspended a Russian-Ukrainian joint venture tasked with converting Soviet-era nuclear missiles into peaceful rockets for commercial satellite launches, the TASS news agency reported on Monday. The agency's press service was quoted as saying only: "The project for launching the Dnepr rockets has been suspended. Perspectives for the future of the program will be decided later." Dnepr rockets are actually surplus SS-18 Satan missiles — capable of showering Russia's enemies with 10 independently targeting nuclear warheads per missile. Under a 1997 Russian-Ukrainian agreement, they are converted into space launch vehicles by Ukraine's Yuzhmash factory. The rehabilitated rockets are sold on the global commercial launch market by the Moscow-based Kosmotras International Space Company for commercial and scientific use. Last summer, Russian media reports suggested that the conversion program was in jeopardy following Moscow's seizure of Crimea in March and subsequent support of pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine — though Moscow denies such involvement. Although it is not yet clear what the program's suspension means for the future of the Dnepr rockets, Russian officials have previously stated that the SS-18 missiles could be converted without Yuzhmash's help. In May, Roscosmos deputy head Sergei Ponomaryov told TASS that the conversion could be handled by Russia's Makeyev Rocket Design Bureau, a state-run enterprise that builds Russia's submarine-launched ballistic missiles. Earlier on Monday, the Izvestia daily reported that Roscosmos would no longer order Ukrainian-made Zenit rockets, also produced by Yuzhmash. The rockets are predominantly used in a U.S.-Russia joint venture known as Sea Launch, and will be replaced by Russia's new Angara rockets http://www.themoscowtimes.com/business/article/moscow-suspends-russian-ukrainian-nuclear-missile-conversion-program/515263.html |
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