통신장비업체 'KMW', 미 시애틀 메리너스 MLB 홈구장 'LED조명' 전면 교체 Finally, A MLB Team Illuminates the Playing Field with LED Lights
4년 연구 끝 스포츠용 LED 개발
미 LED조명시장 진입 교두보
KMW는 최근 미국 메이저리그 소속팀 시애틀 매리너스 구단 홈구장 `세이프코필드`의 야간조명을 자사 LED조
명으로 교체하고 지난 23일(현지시각) 점등식을 개최했다. 존 미르아 시애틀 매리너스 야구장 운영위 부사장,
김덕용 KMW 회장, 케빈 매더 시애틀 매리너스 대표(왼쪽부터)가 기념촬영했다.
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미국 메이저리그 프로야구(MLB) 경기장에 처음으로 국산 LED 조명이 사용된다. 통신장비 업체인 케이엠더블유(KMW)는 미국 시애틀 메리너스 구단의 홈구장인 세이프코 필드에 설치된 567대의 조명을 자사의 기가테라 LED 조명 제품으로 전면 교체했다고 19일 밝혔다. LED 조명은 기존 메탈 할라이드보다 에너지 사용률을 70%까지 절감하고 50년간 사용할 수 있는 오랜 수명이 특징이다. 무엇보다도 구장에 그림자를 제거함으로써 운동 선수들에게 개선된 경기 환경을 제공한다. 조명 점등식은 23일 열릴 예정으로, 구단 관계자들과 케이엠더블유 김덕용 회장이 참석한다. 케이엠더블유는 통신장비 제조업체로 2010년 LED 조명 기기 분야에 진출, 4년여의 연구개발 끝에 지난해 11월 태양광과 비슷한 LED 조명 제품을 개발했다. MLB 구장에 LED 조명이 설치되는 것은 이번이 처음이어서 향후 추가적인 수주가 가능할 것으로 케이엠더블유측은 기대했다. (서울=연합뉴스) 박창욱 기자 pcw@yna.co.kr |
The Seattle Mariners announced that Safeco Field will be the first Major League Baseball facility to illuminate the playing field with LED lights. The Mariners partnered with Planled to replace outdated metal halide fixtures at Safeco Field with state-of-the-art GigaTera LED fixtures from KMW Inc. The conversion was completed this month and will be unveiled to the public at the 17th Annual Seattle Mariners FanFest at Safeco Field on January 24 & 25. LED (light emitting diode) fixtures focus multiple narrow beams of light. They produce brighter, more uniform light, which significantly reduces glare and shadows on the field and creates a better atmosphere for players and fans watching the game at the ballpark. For fans watching on HDTV, LED lights provide better color rendering by more evenly distributing light across the spectrum. There is also no flicker, which is necessary for the super-slow-motion technology now in use during game telecasts. Joe Garagiola, Jr., Senior Vice President of Standards & On-Field Operations for Major League Baseball, said: “Thus far, our experience has indicated that the Mariners new LED technology at Safeco Field will be better for our players, fans in the ballpark and viewers watching at home. We applaud the Mariners for an innovative step that promises to improve efficiency and the fan experience in numerous ways, all while serving as a welcome addition to our overall greening efforts.” In addition to the improved experience for players and fans, LED fixtures are more efficient and have a longer lifespan than metal halide lamps. Safeco Field’s LED conversion will reduce Safeco Field LED Lightsenergy consumption for field lighting by 60-70 percent. In addition to energy efficiency, the LED lamps last over 100,000 hours, or more than 30 years. Metal halide lamps must be changed every 3,000 hours or so. And unlike metal halide lights, which need a 20 minute warm-up, LED lights respond instantly when switched on. “The benefits of converting to LED lighting are across the board from the play on the field to supporting the Mariners long-established sustainability goals,” said Joe Myhra, Seattle Mariners Vice President Ballpark Operations. “The GigaTera fixtures represent the latest in LED technology. This project was the result of the work of many partners, including Planled and KMW, working together on this new approach to sports lighting.” “It’s a privilege for us to partner with the Seattle Mariners to light the first MLB stadium with the most advanced sports lighting system in sports history,” said John Hwang, Planled CEO. “We are also planning to hold workshops and seminars in partnership with Lighting Design Lab, Green Sports Alliance and Human Centric Lighting Society to share our experiences with other venues.” Planled is also producing a video that documents the project from the beginning to serve as a resource for others who are interested in learning more about the use of LED lighting. NRG Stadium, the home of the Houston Texans, University of Phoenix Stadium in Arizona, which is hosting the 2015 Super Bowl on February 1, and Staples Center in Los Angeles are among the professional sports facilities in the U.S. that have converted to LED lighting. http://www.tedmag.com/news/channel-news/Finally-A-MLB-Team-Illuminates-the-Playing-Field-with-LED-Lights.aspx |
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