영국, 16억불 규모 솔렌트 도로철도 터널 건설 Solent tunnel plans revealed

 ’15년 2분기에 입찰공고


Plans for the Isle of Wight fixed link tunnel have been revealed online. 
With permission.
터널 조감도(출처 : Isle of Wight County Press Online)

케이콘텐츠 kcontents



영국 교통부는 햄프셔(Hampshire)주 페어햄(Fareham)과 사우샘프턴(Southampton)을 연결하는 총 연장 20km의 도로 및 철도 터널을 건설하는데 약 16억불을 투자 할 계획이다.

구체적으로 살수장치를 비롯하여 배수로, 공기정화장치, 2차선 도로 등 관련 인프라 공사가 함께 추진 될 예정이다

한편, ‘14년에 첫 발표된 동 프로젝트는 이르면 ’15년 2분기에 입찰공고 후 동년 4분기부터 착공에 들어 갈 것으로 전망된다.
출처 : Isle of Wight County Press Online(2014.11.25) 등 종합


PLANS for a £1 billion Solent Tunnel have been unveiled by two Isle of Wight businessmen.

Carl Feeney and Kevin Price started a Facebook debate on the issue earlier this month and today (Tuesday) they revealed their idea for what shape a fixed link could take.

They have proposed a road and rail tunnel, with terminals in Arreton and Titchfield, between Fareham and Southampton, with an estimated cost of £1 billion.

The plans, which include an Isle of Wight monorail network, can be seen on a specially created website solenttunnel.zz.mu. A government e-petition has also been set up in favour of the tunnel.

Proposed tolls would be £10 each way for Islanders, although £1,000-a-year permits allowing three return trips a day could also be offered.

Foot passengers would be charged £3 each way to travel to Fareham on the train.

The website features a section for people to have their say on the plans, which have been developed with Isle of Wight tunnel and bridge specialists.

As well as tapping into possible government funding, there are also proposals for private equity funding.

The website also seeks to address Islanders' concerns about issues from red squirrels to traffic and crime.

A statement on the site said: "This website shows a potential plan that may be realistic or, perhaps, another plan would be better? But it is a plan and as engineers were consulted beforehand, it is feasible. 

"It has been produced with no expense apart from lots of time taken to provide information as we see it. We believe this design gives opportunities to Islanders to improve their lifestyle and business possibilities and reduce traffic congestion and vehicular use. 

"In order for an economy to grow, communication and fast transport is imperative."

Online campaigns against the idea of a fixed link have also appeared in recent weeks.


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