인도 모디 정부, 100개의 스마트 산업도시 건설 발표 Smart cities: Gujarat’s Dholera zone sets pace for the flagship programme(VIDEO)

source rticles.economictimes.indiatimes


인도 모디 정부가 920km의 델리~뭄바이 구간을 따라서 100개의 스마트 산업도시 건설을 발표했다. 우선 1단계로 154km에 스마트시티를 개발한다. 

이번 사업으로 인도정부는 주변 지역이 글로벌 제조 허브로 거듭날 것으로 기대하고 있다.

모디정부는 그동안 이 프로젝트의 참여를 위해서 독일 영국 미국 한국 등과 물밑 접촉을 해왔다고 말했다.

건설방식은 35~40%는 정부조달 나머지 60~65%는 PPP(민관협력)방식이 될 것으로 보고있다.

관련해서 인도정부는 구자라트주 Dholera의 도로및 관련부대공사에 대한 RFQ(입찰참가신청서) 발급에 착수했으며 DMIC의 승인 후 RFP(제안서제출) 일정이 결정될 것으로 알려졌다.

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Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Project


Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor is a corridor expected to be built between the cities of Mumbai and Delhi with the massive budget of 1000 crore. The project has the Indian as well as the Japanese government funding it and it is expected to boost the development of infrastructure in the six major states in the country which are Delhi, Western Uttar Pradesh, Southern Haryana, Eastern Rajasthan, Eastern Gujarat and Western Maharashtra.

The corridor will extend up to 1483 km in length. Nine Mega Industrial zones of about 200-250 sq. km., high speed freight line, three ports, and six air ports and a six-lane intersection-free expressway will be developed between the two cities on the corridor.

The project is being promoted as the one fetching 2-3-4-5 benefits. It is expected to double the employment opportunities, triple the output for the industries concerned with its development and increase the exports four times in a span of five years. Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor Development Corporation will be is in charge of the construction of the corridor.

The project will be carried on Built, operate and trade basis. It is also said that a four level institution will be set up to ensure the completion of the corridor. This will include an apex body, a corporate entity, a state- level coordination, project specified special purpose vehicle (SPV's) responsible for the implementation of the project.

The corridor will be India's 'Global Manufacturing and Trading Hub'. The corridor is expected to support heavy vehicle weighing up to 25 tonnes.



The smart city close to Ahmedabad will cover a route length of 920 km on the corridor, of which 154 km will be developed in the first phase. It will be followed by three others by March. The 2,700-km DMIC was sanctioned in 2007.

Prime Minister Modi has announced 100 smart cities, some of these along industrial corridors, as it seeks to turn India into a global manufacturing hub as part of its Make in India initiative.

"We are set to roll out four smart industrial cities by March, inviting bids from all across the globe. We have held several meetings with various governments and investors from different countries in the past many months including Germany, the UK, US, South Korea, etc," said Talleen Kumar, CEO of DMIC Development Corp.

The government has floated requests for qualification (RFQ) for the 'roads and utilities' project at Dholera on the outskirts of Ahmedabad. After this closes by mid-January, requests for proposal will be invited after approval by the DMIC Trust and the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA). All investment proposals exceedingRs 1,200 crore require CCEA approval. About 35-40% of projects are trunk infrastructure, for which funds are provided by the DMIC Trust while the rest of the 60-65% projects are being structured under the public-private partnership model.

The other trunk infrastructure schemes for which bids will be sought include a drinking water supply system, and administrative centre along with water and sewage treatment plants.

Tendering is also being finalised for integrated industrial townships in Greater Noida in Uttar Pradesh and Vikram Udyogpuri in Madhya Pradesh apart from the Shendra-Bidkin Industrial Park in Maharashtra for a rollout in the next two months.

"In Greater Noida, 747 acres have already been transferred to the special purpose vehicle. For the 84 square km Shendra-Bidkin industrial park, we will begin with inviting bids for the Shendra region first," Kumar said.

Of the seven cities being developed in the first phase of the DMIC project, master planning for six is complete.

Japan has invested $4.5 billion in the first stage of DMIC through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC). They hold a joint 26% stake in the project. Japan is also working closely with the government for the development of other industrial corridors.

In a bid to facilitate and fast track Japanese investment proposals, the department of industrial policy and promotion has also set up a special management team known as Japan Plus, which comprises officials of both governments.


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