동물들의 스트레칭 17 Adorable Animals Who've Mastered the Art of Stretching


Warning: These photos may make you want to nap. Take a deep breath...now stretch! Today let's take a look at animals who've mastered the art of stretching. Whether they're just taking a nice pause in their day or reaching for that piece of food in the tree, these animals look absolutely adorable with their eyes closed or their limbs flying in the air. While some of them, like the dog, look like they're working on their yoga pose, others, like the owl, are coming up with something original. All in all, they're adorable animals with spunk and style!

Above photo: Artodin

Photo: George Behr

Photo: Stephan Tuengler

Photo: Olav Thokle

Photo: Dennis Minty

Photo: Igor Shpilenok

Photo: Ed Schipul

Photo: ZoranPhoto

Photo: Tiffany Turkington

Photo: Megan Lorenz

Photo: Mark Bridger

Photo: Yves Adams

Photo: Mark Leddra

Photo: Geoffrey Baker

Photo: Alison Buttigieg

Photo: Simon Roy

Photo: Daniel Cadieux


