스마트폰이 손목에...곧 상용화 '시크릿 스마트 팔찌' Cicret Smart Bracelet Projects Your Phone’s Display on Your Arm: Remote Armtop(VIDEO)


케이콘텐츠 kcontents



If you think that Google Glass’ and smartwatch displays are too small for you, keep an eye on the Cicret Bracelet. French company Cicret claims its gadget can project your mobile device’s display on your skin. Not only that, it can also detect your touch input and send it back to your device.

Apparently the bracelet uses a picoprojector to show what’s on your mobile device’s screen on your skin. You’ll then be able to interact with the projected display as if it was your phone or tablet’s actual screen with the help of eight proximity sensors built into the bracelet. The bracelet’s own processor will analyze your input and send it back to your device.

Apparently the bracelet uses a picoprojector to show what’s on your mobile device’s screen on your skin. You’ll then be able to interact with the projected display as if it was your phone or tablet’s actual screen with the help of eight proximity sensors built into the bracelet. The bracelet’s own processor will analyze your input and send it back to your device.

Coundc too good to be true? Perhapc. It also doesn’t help that Cicret actually launched two different products in one fundraiser: the bracelet and a privacy app (hence the company’s name). You can pledge at least $399 (USD) on Indiegogo to receive a Cicret Bracelet as a reward. The company is shooting for a $600-$700 retail price, but even with the steep discount I think you should wait for an actual demo of the bracelet before you part with your money.


edited by kcontents

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