중국 시진핑 주석, 글로벌리더 중 급여 가장 낮아 Xi Jinping’s pay far behind global peers even after 62% rise

케이콘텐츠 kcontents


영국 일간 파이내셜타임스(FT)와 미국 억만장자 전문 매체인 리치스트라이프스타일에 따르면 시진핑 중국 주석의 연봉은 최근 62% 인상됐는데도 2만2256달러(약 2417만원)에 불과하다. 

이는 버락 오바마 미국 대통령의 연봉 40만 달러에 비하면 18분의 1에 불과한 수준이다

한국의 박근혜 대통령은 224,000불로 17위를 기록했다.

연봉 1위는 리셴룽((李顯龍) 싱가포르 총리로 연봉 180만 달러를 받으며 2위 푸틴은 176만불을 집으로 가져간다.


콘페이퍼 에디터


Lucy Hornby

Xi Jinping has been handed a 62 per cent pay rise but the Chinese president’s new base salary, equivalent to $22,256 a year, remains a fraction of that of global peers.

The basic monthly salary for China’s top seven leaders has risen to Rmb11,385 ($1,854) from Rmb7,020 before unspecified allowances, the official China Daily newspaper said on Tuesday in a rare discussion of official income.

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Xi Jinping has been handed a 62 per cent pay rise but the Chinese president’s new base salary, equivalent to $22,256 a year, remains a fraction of that of global peers.

The basic monthly salary for China’s top seven leaders has risen to Rmb11,385 ($1,854) from Rmb7,020 before unspecified allowances, the official China Daily newspaper said on Tuesday in a rare discussion of official income.

High quality global journalism requires investment. Please share this article with others using the link below, do not cut & paste the article. See our Ts&Cs and Copyright Policy for more detail. Email ftsales.support@ft.com to buy additional rights. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/5860726a-a084-11e4-9aee-00144feab7de.html#ixzz3PY1lu9uv

Xi Jinping has been handed a 62 per cent pay rise but the Chinese president’s new base salary, equivalent to $22,256 a year, remains a fraction of that of global peers.

The basic monthly salary for China’s top seven leaders has risen to Rmb11,385 ($1,854) from Rmb7,020 before unspecified allowances, the official China Daily newspaper said on Tuesday in a rare discussion of official income.


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