오마샤리프의 유일 사랑, 이집트 영화계 아이콘 '파텐 하마마' 별세 Egypt film icon Faten Hamama dies, aged 83(VIDEO)
She was married to Omar Sharif for nearly 20 years
Ms Hamama was a star of Egypt's golden age of cinema in the 1950s
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영화 '아라비아의 로렌스'와 '닥터 지바고'에서 열연한 오마 샤리프(83)의 전 부인인 이집트 배우 파텐 하마마가 17일(현지시간) 별세했다. 향년 83세.
'아랍 영화의 아이콘'으로 평가받는 하마마는 갑작스럽게 건강이 악화해 숨졌다고 영국 BBC방송과 AFP통신이 이집트 국영 뉴스통신 MENA를 인용, 보도했다.
하마마는 동료 배우 오마 샤리프를 만나면서 1950년대에 인기 절정을 누린 이집트 영화 황금기의 스타다.
10살도 안돼 영화계에 데뷔해 100편 이상에 출연했고, 오마 샤리프와도 영화 여러편에 함께 출연했다. 연애물뿐만 아니라 여권을 옹호하고 사회의 불의를 비판하는 영화에도 등장했다.
특히 모태 기독교도였던 오마 샤리프가 하마마와 결혼하려고 이슬람으로 개종하고 생애 '유일한 사랑'으로 하마마를 꼽으면서 그는 세계적으로 유명세를 탔다.
그러나 두 사람은 오마 샤리프가 할리우드에서 배우로 활동하기 시작한 1974년에 헤어졌다. 결혼 생활 거의 20년 만이었다.
이집트 대통령실은 성명에서 "이집트와 아랍 세계는 이집트 문화를 풍성하게 한 창의적이고 예술적 재능이 넘치는 배우를 잃었다"고 애도했다.<연합뉴스> |
Faten Hamama starred in almost 100 films from the 1940s to the 1970s
Faten Hamama, one of Egypt's best-known actresses, has died, aged 83. An Arab film icon, she was only a child when she made her screen debut. She went on to appear in almost 100 films. Ms Hamama was the former wife of Egyptian actor Omar Sharif. They were married for nearly 20 years and appeared in many films together in the 1950s. She died on Saturday after health problems, according to Egypt's official news agency Mena. Her son Tarek Sharif confirmed that she had passed away but did not give a cause of death. Born in 1931, Ms Hamama was known as the "Lady of the Arabic Screen" and was a star of the golden age of Egyptian cinema. Her career was at its peak in the 1950s when she met fellow actor Omar Sharif. Born a Christian, he converted to Islam to marry Ms Hamama and described her as the only love of his life, reports the AFP news agency.
Ms Hamama was a star of Egypt's golden age of cinema in the 1950s
She was married to Omar Sharif for nearly 20 years After their marriage they went on to star in many films together, including the 1961 film River of Love which was based on the Russian classic Anna Karenina. The couple divorced in 1974. Ms Hamama also starred in romantic films with the Arab singer Abdel Halim Hafez. She appeared in films advocating women's rights and condemning social injustices, reported AFP. Ms Hamama is survived by her son Tarek Sharif, her daughter Nadia Zulficar, and third husband Mohammad Abdel Wahab Mahmoud. |
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