베트남 '부동산시장' 바닥쳤다 Ha Noi property market to rebound

수요 확대에 회복 국면 접어들어

A view of apartment buildings on Tran Duy Hung Street in Ha Noi's Cau Giay 

District. — VNS Photo Thai Ha
케이콘텐츠 kcontents

베트남의 부동산 시장이 본격적인 회복 국면에 접어들었다는 진단이 잇따르고 있다. 

13일 베트남통신에 따르면 다국적 부동산 컨설팅 업체 CBRE는 지난해 4분기 수도 하노이 지역에서 전분기보다 47% 늘어난 3990 가구의 아파트가 분양됐다고 밝혔다. 

이에 따라 지난해 하노이 지역의 아파트 분양실적은 모두 1만700여 가구로 전년보다 60%나 늘어났다고 CBRE는 설명했다. 

CBRE는 특히 시장 일각에서 투기적 수요마저 감지된다며 아파트 분양이 지속적으로 강한 상승세를 보이고 있다고 분석했다. 

또 다른 부동산 컨설팅 업체 사빌스 역시 최근 하노이 지역에서 2900가구를 짓는 신규 주택건설사업이 시작됐다며 이는 지난 2013년 2분기 이래 가장 많은 물량이라고 말했다.

사빌스는 이어 지난해 1분기 이래 아파트 분양이 큰 폭으로 증가했지만 미분양 물량은 감소했다며 특히 작년 3,4분기 분양 실적은 지난 2011년 2분기 이래 최대규모라고 밝혔다.

사빌스의 한 관계자는 "부동산 시장이 회복되면서 리스크가 줄어들었다"며 지난해부터 나타난 부동산 시장 회복세가 올해에도 이어질 것으로 전망했다.

그는 특히 시장 회복세가 주거용 부동산 부문에서 두드러질 것으로 내다봤다.

응웬 화이 안 CBRE 하노이지사장은 "최근 고가 부동산 미분양 물량이 감소하면서 이들 부동산을 찾는 수요가 이어질 것"이라며 특히 외국인의 주택 구매를 허용하는 관련 법률이 오는 7월1일 자로 발효되면 수요는 한층 커질 것이라고 말했다.


HA NOI (VNS) — Experts at foreign property consulting firms expect the property market in Ha Noi to rebound strongly this year, owing to robust sales of apartments during the last quarter of 2014.

The Savills Viet Nam Ltd Company pointed out that six new housing projects, with approximately 2,900 units, have been launched recently. This reflects the highest number since the second quarter of 2013.

"The ‘apartments for sale' segment is recovering. Since the first quarter of 2014, the number of apartments placed on sale has jumped, while the inventory level has decreased," Do Thu Hang, the Head of Research and Consultancy, Savills Ha Noi, said yesterday.

"The number of sold apartments during the last two quarters is at its highest since the second quarter of 2011. The total number of sold apartments in 2014 was the highest since 2009."

There is continuing demand from end-users and investors on projects with the following characteristic: good construction progress, convenient accessibility and strong developer reputation, Savills Viet Nam revealed.

Some projects in the foundation stage are also reporting a strong absorption rate due to the participation of speculators and real-estate agents stepping up the premium on off-contracts.

Meanwhile, the CB Richard Ellis Viet Nam (CBRE) Ltd Company said sales momentum for condominiums has continued to grow firmly and steadily. The market absorbed an estimated 3,990 units during this quarter alone, which was reflected in the 47 per cent growth from last quarter. 

In total, 10,700 units were reportedly sold in 2014, which was a 60 per cent increase from 2013's record.

"With the market's recovery, the real-estate risk level has decreased. Along with the disbursement from banks and other investors, the real-estate M&A activities will become more intense," said Nguyen Hong Son, Head of Savills Ha Noi's Valuation and Feasibility Study and Valuation.

"The property market in 2015 has been on the road to recovery since 2014, and is expected to see a significant increase in the residential sector. Also, the market should get a new target when the new housing law becomes effective," Son noted.

"Moving forward, it is expected that the market will continue to look positive in 2015," said Nguyen Hoai An, CBRE Ha Noi's Senior Manager. 

Sales are expected to remain strong, while more launches of new projects and re-started projects will be announced in the market, especially during the first half of 2015, she added.

Luxury and high-end products will be sought-after as stock for these products is diminishing, said An, adding that while foreign ownership will be expected to stimulate demand, activities on this front will be slow in near-term as new players take their time to assess the market's movement.

By the end of 2016, about 14,200 apartments from 25 projects are expected to come online, Savills Viet Nam predicted.

The revised Housing and Real Estate Business Laws are also expected to boost demand from foreigners and Vietnamese residing abroad.

The market is expected to grow in 2015, but could be hurt by strong speculation. — VNS


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