42억 불 쿠웨이트 'Lower Fars Phase-1' 낙찰자 선정 Kuwait awards $4.2b heavy oil development contract

UAE Petrofac사와 CCC사 수주
한국업체보다 25% 저가 공략

Lower Fars field in the north of Kuwait.

쿠웨이트 북부에 있는 로우어파 오일필드 위치도

42억불 규모의 쿠웨이트 'Lower Fars Heavy oil Development phase 1' 프로젝트의 주인이 


중동 최대건설사인 UAE Petrofac사와 CCC사가 한국의 건설업체들을 제치고 최종 수주했다.

이 프로젝트는 2018년까지 일 60만 배럴의 중유를 생산하는 플랜트공사로 기타 추가 시설이

2단계 이후에 건설될 예정이다.

2020년까지 2단계가 완료되면 두배의 중유 생산시설을 갖추게 되며 2030년까지 27만배럴 

생산시설을 증설할 계획으로 있다.

[Related Link]

Kuwait Oil Company evaluates bids on Lower Fars Phase-1 project



콘페이퍼 에디터

케이콘텐츠 kcontents

Kuwait City: Kuwait has awarded a $4.2 billion to develop heavy oilfields in the north of the country, the central tenders committee announced Thursday.

The project, called Lower Fars Heavy oil Development phase 1, was awarded to UAE-based Petrofac International and the Athens-based Consolidated Contractors Co (CCC), the largest construction firm in the Middle East, the committee said.

The project includes plans to produce 60,000 barrels per day of heavy crude by 2018 and to build the infrastructure facilities for further phases. 

In the second phase, production will double by 2020.

Kuwait also has plans to raise heavy oil production to around 270,000 bpd by 2030 only if needed.

The Opec member, currently pumping around 2.8 million bpd, plans to raise its output capacity to 4.0 million bpd in 2020 from around 3.3 million bpd now.

Last year, the emirate awarded contracts worth $12 billion to upgrade two of its three oil refineries and procedures are underway to award contracts worth $15 billion to build a new 615,000-bpd refinery.

When the two projects are completed by 2018-2019, the refining capacity will be boosted to 1.4 million bpd from 930,000 bpd at present.


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