2015년 가장 안전한 항공사는 World's Safest Airlines for 2015(VIDEO)

호주 콴타스 항공, 2년 연속 차지해

안전한 항공사 10위

에어뉴질랜드와 케세이퍼시픽, 영국항공, 에미레이트항공,

에티하드항공, 에바항공, 핀에어, 루프트한자, 싱가포르항공

2014년 항공사고 사망자 1천329명,

2005년 이래 최다



세계에서 가장 안전한 항공사로 꼽힌 호주 콴타스 항공. source erc.org.au

케이콘텐츠 kcontents


잇단 대형 여객기 사고로 항공안전에 대한 경각심이 높아진 가운데 호주 콴타스 항공이 세계에서 가장 안전한 항공사로 꼽혔다.


항공사 안전을 평가하는 사이트 에어라인레이팅스닷컴(airlinerations.com)에 따르면 제트기 시대 개막 이후 사망사고를 낸 적이 없는 호주 콴타스항공이 가장 안전했다고 미국 NBC방송이 6일(현지시간) 보도했다.


안전한 항공사 10위에는 에어뉴질랜드와 케세이퍼시픽, 영국항공, 에미레이트항공, 에티하드항공, 에바항공, 핀에어, 루프트한자, 싱가포르항공이 들었다.


콴타스항공은 지난해에도 가장 안전한 항공사로 선정됐다.

저가 항공사 중에서는 에어링구스와 알래스카항공, 아이슬란드에어, 제트블루항공 등이 안전했다. 


낮은 점수를 받은 저가 항공사로는 네팔의 아그니에어와 아프가니스탄 캄에어, 네팔항공 등이 있었다.


NBC방송은 지난해 항공기 추락사고가 120건 발생해 1927년 이래 가장 낮은 수치를 기록했다고 전했다. 그러나 잇단 대형사고로 사망자가 1천329명에 달해 2005년 이후 최고치였다고 덧붙였다.

(서울=연합뉴스) 백나리 기자 nari@yna.co.kr





AirlineRatings.com announces its safest airlines for 2015



AirlineRatings.com, the world’s only safety and product rating website, which was launched in June 2013, has announced its top ten safest airlines and top ten safest low cost airlines for 2015 from the 449 it monitors.


Top of the list again is Qantas which has a fatality free record in the jet era. Making up the remainder of the top ten in alphabetical order are: Air New Zealand, British Airways, Cathay Pacific Airways, , Emirates, Etihad Airways, EVA Air, Finnair, Lufthansa and Singapore Airlines.


AirlineRatings.com’s rating system takes into account a range of factors related to audits from aviation’s governing bodies such as the FAA and ICAO as well as government audits and the airline’s fatality record.


Our seven star safety rating system explained

AirlineRating.com’s editorial team, one of the world’s most awarded and experienced, also examined each airline’s operational history, incident records and operational excellence to arrive at its top ten safest airlines.


The AirlineRatings.com top ten are always at the forefront of safety innovation and launching new planes and these airlines are a byword for excellence.


Responding to public interest, the AirlineRatings.com editors also identified their top ten safest low cost airlines.


They are in alphabetical order: Aer Lingus, Alaska Airlines, Icelandair, Jetblue, Jetstar,  Kulula.com, Monarch Airlines, Thomas Cook, TUI Fly and Westjet.

Unlike a number of low cost carriers, these airlines have all passed the stringent International Air Transport Association Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) audit and have excellent safety records.


Of the 449 airlines surveyed 149 have the top seven-star safety ranking, but almost 50 have just three stars or less. Four airlines only achieved one star for safety from AirlineRatings.com. These are: Kam Air, Nepal Airlines, Scat and Tara Air.


In making their decision, AirlineRatings.com editors noted that over its 94-year history Qantas has amassed an extraordinary record of firsts in safety and operations and is now accepted as the world’s most experienced airline.


In 2008 in its successful defence to the British Advertising Standards Association of its claim that it is the world’s most experienced airline, Qantas was able to list almost 30 notable industry leading achievements.


The Australian airline has been a leader in: the development of the Future Air Navigation System; the Flight Data Recorder to monitor plane and later crew performance; automatic landings using Global Navigation Satellite System as well as precision approaches around mountains in cloud using RNP.


Watch: A spectacular landing in Queenstown, New Zealand using RNP


Qantas was the lead airline with real time monitoring of its engines across its fleet using satellite communications, which has enabled the airline to detect problems before they become a major safety issue.


There is no doubt 2014 was a bad year for airline safety with some of the most tragic and bizarre incidents in modern history but the numbers can be deceiving.


Read: 2014: A bizarre year for air safety

Certainly 21 fatal accidents with 986 fatalities – higher than the 10-year average – is sickening. However, the world’s airlines carried a record 3.3 billion passengers on 27 million flights.


Flashback 50 years and there were a staggering 87 crashes killing 1,597 when airlines carried only 141 million passengers – 5 per cent of today’s number.


Another twist is that fatal accidents for 2014 were at a record low 21 – one for every 1.3 million flights. Two of the crashes last year – MH370 and MH17 – were unprecedented in modern times and claimed 537 lives.




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