일 도시바, 16.5억불 규모 중국 원전설비 수주 Toshiba to supply nuclear power equipment to China

2020년 중으로 원전 설비 공급키로


Sanmen AP1000 plant under construction in China (Image courtesy of

Westinghouse 2011)산멘 원전 건설현장,2011


산동성 하이양원전 조감도



일본 도시바의 자회사 미 웨스팅하우스가 16.5억불 규모의 중국  6~8기의 원전설비

를 수주했다고 교토통신이 보도했다.


세부 계약 사항은 추후 결정될 예정으로 건설 중인 산동성 하이양원전과 산멘원

전에 공급될 예정이다.


이번 수주는 며칠전 카자흐스탄 원전설비 수주에 이은 초대형 원전설비 계약건이다.



콘페이퍼 에디터



일 도시바, 카자흐스탄에 첫 원자로 수출한다 Kazakhstan to buy Toshiba N-reactor


아레바 사상 최대 원자력 발전 프로젝트 수주





China's growing appetite for power has made it the largest market for new nuclear plants in

the world. © Kyodo

TOKYO -- Toshiba is set to receive a roughly 200 billion yen ($1.65 billion) order to supply equipment for six to eight nuclear reactors in China. Details of the deal are being finalized.


Through its American subsidiary Westinghouse, the Japanese electronics company is expected to deliver control systems, turbines and other main equipment for additional facilities slated to begin operation in the 2020s, including those at the Haiyang nuclear plant in Shandong Province and the Sanmen nuclear plant in Zhejiang Province.


Westinghouse is a leader in the Chinese nuclear power station market, having gained a foothold there through various collaborations, including technological cooperation with government-owned State Nuclear Power Technology Corp.


However, competition is becoming heated due to the arrival of European, South Korean and Russian rivals, among others. Westinghouse previously built two midsize nuclear reactors each at Haiyang and Sanmen, and their track record seems to have worked in the company's favor.


China's growing appetite for power has made it the largest market for new nuclear plants in the world. According to the International Energy Agency, nuclear power plants around the world are expected have a total generation capacity of 624 million kilowatts in 2040, up 60% from the level in 2013. A little more than a quarter of the additional power will be generated in China.


Countries, especially emerging ones, are increasingly turning to nuclear power to curb global warming. Toshiba is thus stepping up marketing activities in developing markets and is now in discussions with Kazakhstan over delivery of nuclear reactors.



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