암 환자에게 땅콩은 Peanut component linked to cancer spread





땅콩이 암세포의 전이를 촉진시키고 죽은 암세포도 부활시킬 수 있다는 연구결과가 나왔다.

최근 '발암'(Carcinogenesis) 저널에 게재된 논문에서 영국 리버풀대학교 연구팀은 '땅콩 아글루티닌(PNA)'으로 불리는 땅콩의 단백질 성분이 암세포에서 발견되는 설탕 체인에 붙어 혈액 속 종양세포의 더 큰 단백질과 상호작용을 한다고 주장했다.

연구팀에 따르면 땅콩 단백질과 종양세포 간의 상호작용이 종양세포 단백질의 변이를 초래해 암세포가 더욱 혈관에 달라붙기 쉽게 만든다.

이뿐만 아니라 암세포가 작은 덩어리 형태를 형성하도록 해 암세포의 혈액 내 생명력을 연장시키는 것으로도 분석됐다. 상피암은 보통 혈류를 통해 다른 장기로 전이된다.

이번 연구를 이끈 리버풀대학교 변형의학연구소의 루강 유 교수는 "과음이 식도암, 결장암과 관련이 있는 것으로 밝혀지는 등 먹거리와 암 발생과의 상관관계를 입증하는 많은 증거들이 있다"면서도 "일단 암이 발병한 후 진행과정에서 음식이 어떤 영향을 미치는가에 대해서는 알려진 게 별로 없다"고 말했다.

그는 또 "이번 연구가 땅콩의 단백질 성분이 종양세포의 다른 장기 전이를 촉진한다는 것을 입증해 줬다"며 "앞으로 더욱 진전된 연구가 필요하지만 암 환자는 땅콩을 정기적으로 먹지않은 것이 좋다"고 조언했다.
코메디닷컴 | 김민국



Peanut component linked to cancer




Scientists at the University of Liverpool have found that a component of peanuts could encourage the spread and survival of cancer cells in the body.


In the first study of its kind, scientists showed that a protein in peanuts, called peanut agglutinin (PNA), binds to a special sugar chain, which occurs mainly on pre-cancerous and cancer cells, and interacts with a larger protein expressed on the surface of tumour cells in the bloodstream.


The study shows this interaction triggers changes in the larger protein, resulting in underlying adhesion molecules on the surface of the cancer cell to become exposed.

This makes the cancer cells stickier and easier to attach themselves to the blood vessels. It also allows the cancer cells to form small clumps that prolong the survival of cancer cells in the body’s circulation. Many epithelial cancers spread to the other organs through traveling through the bloodstream.


Resistant to cooking


Scientists at Liverpool had previously shown that peanut agglutinin (PNA) is resistant to cooking and digestion, with up to 50% of PNA discharged from the body in those people that ingest raw or roasted peanuts. It enters the bloodstream rapidly as an intact and active form after peanut consumption.


Professor Lugang Yu, from the University’s Institute of Translational Medicine, who led the study, explains: “There is a large body of biological and epidemiological evidence linking diet and cancer causation, such as the association between heavy drinking and higher risks of oesophagus and colorectal cancer, but less is known of the influence of diet on the progression of cancer once it is established.


“This study provides proof of principle that PNA appearance in the blood circulation after peanut consumption enhances the ability of the tumour cells to spread to other areas of the body. Although more research is needed, as cancer cell spreading to other organs accounts for the majority of cancer-associated fatality, cancer patients would be advisable to avoid regular consumption of peanuts.”



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