150억 불 오만 철도프로젝트 1구간, 내년 3월 1일로 입찰 또 연기 Extension granted for $15bn Oman Rail tender

기술제안은 1월 18일까지 제출해야




오만 철도프로젝트 입찰일이 내년 3월 1일로 또다시 연기됐다.

그러나 기술제안은 당초대로 1월 18일까지 제출해야한다.


입찰일 연장은 많은 참여사들의 요청에 의해서 이루어졌는데 이는 유가하락 등 경제적인 문제 때문이었다.


150억불 규모의 오만철도 프로젝트 1구간은 총 연장 207km로 소하르항에서 브라이미까지이며 6개국의 걸프철도프로젝트의 중복노선으로서 가장 우선적으로 시공해야하는 사업이다.


모두 18개 컨소시엄이 PQ를 통과하여 입찰일을 기다리고 있으며 공사는 실시설계부터 궤도시공까지 거의 모든 부분을 포함하고 있다.


한국은 현대건설 등 5개 컨소시엄이 프로젝트 입찰에 참여하고 있으며 PMC부문에는 도화컨소시엄이최저가로 입찰자로 선정된 바 있으나 발주처의 입찰 방식 변경 및 일정 연기로 아직 최종 결정되지 못하고 있는 실정이다.

[에디터 황기철]


Extension granted for $15bn Oman Rail tender


Oman Rail has granted further time to bidders to hand in their pricing offers for the $15bn Segment 1 section of the national rail project.

Commercial bids are now due in by 1 March, 2015 under the revised timeline announced by the national rail company.


Technical offers, however, must be handed in by 18 January, 2015.


The latest extension — the second in less than a month — follows a request by a large number of bidders seeking more time to price their offers amid the ongoing economic turmoil in world markets as a result of sliding international oil prices.


Segment 1, covering a 207km stretch from Sohar Port to Buraimi, is a priority for execution because it also represents the Oman link in a pan-Gulf network connecting all six members states of the GCC bloc.


In contention for the lucrative design & build package are 18 consortiums and joint ventures that have been prequalified by Oman Rail to compete for this segment.

The contract encompasses virtually all aspects of rail design, engineering, supply, construction, installation and commissioning. It requires the contractor to undertake, among other things, topographic and geotechnical site surveys; earthworks design; hydrology and drainage; design and construction of major and minor structures such as bridges, tunnels and viaducts; track works; stations; freight facilities and yards; and the provision of line maintenance facilities.


The successful bidder will be required to subcontract the procurement, supply, installation of commissioning of the plethora of communications and technology systems associated with the project to any one of the five consortiums prequalified by Oman Rail for the Rail Technology Systems package.



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