중국-태국, '734㎞ 길이' 철도건설 계약체결 MoUs with China to be inked today on deals for dual-track railways, rice and rubber





중국과 태국이 총연장 734㎞에 달하는 철도노선을 태국에 건설키로 합의했다고 중국신문망(中國新聞網)이 20일 보도했다.


보도에 따르면 리커창(李克强) 중국 총리와 프라윳 찬-오차 태국 총리는 19일 방콕에서 만나 이런 내용을 담은 '중-태국 철도협력 양해각서'와 '중-태국 농산물 무역 협력 양해각서'를 체결했다.


양국은 이번 합의에 따라 조만간 태국 동북부 국경지대인 농카이와 남부 항구지역인 맙타풋(Map Ta Phut)를 잇는 총연장 734㎞의 철도노선 건설에 착수하게 된다.


중국신문망은 "이번 노선은 태국의 첫 표준궤도 철도"라며 "앞으로 전 구간을 중국의 기술과 표준, 장비를 사용해 건설하게 될 것"이라고 전했다.


중국이 추진 중인 '일대일로'(一帶一路·육상·해상 실크로드) 구상을 지지한다는 처지를 밝혀온 태국은 지난달 중국과 태국이 협력해 4천억 바트(약 13조 5천억 원) 규모의 철도사업을 추진한다는 계획을 승인한 바 있다.


리 총리는 이번 회담에서 "양국이 상호공영과 상호협력을 위한 또 하나의 중대한 성과를 거뒀다"고 평가하며 철도건설사업에 대해서는 조속히 착공단계에 돌입하자고 제안했다. 


프라윳 총리는 이에 대해 "태국은 앞으로 중국과 밀접하게 협력하고 관련 협력사업들을 조속히 실행할 것"이라며 "내년에는 수교 40주년을 계기로 양국관계를 새로운 단계로 끌어올리겠다"고 말했다. 


앞서 카자흐스탄, 세르비아를 방문한 리 총리는 19일 방콕에서 개막한 제5차 메콩강경제권(GMS) 정상회의에 참석하기 위해 태국을 찾았다.


중국, 태국, 라오스, 미얀마, 캄보디아, 베트남 등 메콩강 유역 6개국은 이번 정상회의에서 515억 달러 규모의 초대형 투자계획을 승인할 것으로 보인다.

(베이징=연합뉴스) 이준삼 특파원 jslee@yna.co.kr


MoUs with China to be inked today on deals for

dual-track railways, rice and rubber



Thailand and China will today sign two memoranda of understanding in relation to the construction of dual-track railways in the Kingdom and China's purchase of Thai rice and rubber.
The Government House event will be witnessed by Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-o-cha and Premier Li Keqiang.


The first MoU is for development of two standard-gauge dual-track railways - a 734-kilometre route linking Nong Khai, Nakhon Ratchasima, Saraburi's Kaeng Khoi district and Map Ta Phut Port in Rayong, and a 133km line linking Bangkok and Kaeng Khoi.


It will be signed by Transport Minister Prajin Juntong and the director of China's National Development and Reform Council.


Construction of the railways is expected to commence in 2016, and the project is part of Thailand's transport infrastructure development plan for 2015-2022.


The second MoU, for China's purchase of Thai rice and rubber, will be signed by Commerce Minister Chatchai Sarikalya and China's agriculture minister. China has promised to buy 2 million tonnes of rice and 200,000 tonnes of rubber, Deputy Transport Minister Akom Termpitayapaisit said.


The two countries, which celebrate the 40th anniversary of their bilateral ties next year, will discuss in detail at a later date the exact amount of rice and rubber to be sold to China, according to Akom, who is also secretary-general of the National Economic and Social Development Board.


Last month, the Cabinet approved the draft MoU between Thailand and China on the development of the dual-track railways, which was proposed by the Transport Ministry.

The Cabinet at the that time also approved a proposal to set up a joint committee between the two countries to carry out the railway projects, which will be jointly chaired by Prajin and the chief of China's National Development and Reform Council.


Earlier, China agreed to lend Thailand cash to fund the construction of the railways, as part of a government-to-government agreement to extend the regional transport links. The deal was reached at a recent meeting between Prayut and Li, who had bilateral discussions during three international summits in Italy, China and Myanmar.


The Chinese premier is scheduled to arrive at Government House at 4pm today, where he will be welcomed by Prayut. The delegations from both countries will convene their meeting at 4.40pm.

After the discussion is completed, the MoUs will be signed.


Prayut will make an official visit to China on Monday and Tuesday at the invitation of the Chinese government.



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