차세대 호버바이크 드론 Hoverbike,The coolest Invention in Drone Technology VIDEO
Hoverbike,The coolest Invention in Drone Technology
영국 한 시골의 항공기술자가 차세대 드론을 개발했다.
안정성과 동작성을 높이고 많은 짐을 싣도록 설계됐다.
하지만 이 모델은 1/3정도로만 기술검증된 상태다.
완전한 상태의 호버바이크는 사람이 타고 원격조종이 가능하게 되어있다.
[에디터 황기철]
Deep in the English countryside, aeronautical engineers are perfecting a new generation of aerial drone.
With increased stability and manoeuvrability, and able to carry a much heavier payload… it represents a significant leap forward in drone technology.
This small drone, however, is just the 1/3rd proof-of-concept model for something much more ambitious.
A full-sized quad-copter hoverbike that can be piloted by a person as well as flown by remote.
It's the brain-child of engineer and helicopter pilot Chris Malloy, who first tested his concept with this bi-copter design.
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