우크라이나, 원전 용량 확대 및 추가 건설 Capacities of 4 nuclear power plants will rise by 4.2 thousand MW

Capacities of 4 nuclear power plants

will rise by 4.2 thousand MW


우크라이나, 2016년까지 흐멜니츠키원전과 로벤스키 원전에1000MW 

자포로지 원전에 700MW 등 4기의 원전에 1600MW 용량 확대

2020년까지 흐멜니츠키원전에 2기의 추가 원전 건설


Khmelnitsky 1 and 2 (Image: Khmelnitsky NPP)

source orld-nuclear-news.org




The capacity of 4 nuclear power plants in the Ukraine will rise by 2016, is said in the program of activity of the Cabinet of Ministers published on the Government website on December 9th.

“To increase by 1,600 MW the power output of the South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant, by 700 MW – of Zaporozhie nuclear power plant, by 1,000 MW of Khmelnitsky and Rovensky nuclear power plants by 2016”, is said in the document.

Besides the rise of the capacities, by 2020 two new energy blocks at the Khmelnitsky nuclear power plant should be constructed.



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