산 정상에서 프로포즈한 커플 Photographer captures stunning Columbia Gorge proposa

Photographer captures stunning Columbia 

Gorge proposal; 

social media solves mystery of the future 

bride and groom's identities


Amateur photographer Paul Wolfe captured this stunning image of Al Gensitskiy proposing to Katie 

Verkovod atop Munra Point in the Columbia Gorge. Wolfe did not know an engagement would occur 

or who the couple were. Reddit found the answer, fast. Verkovod said yes. (Paul Wolfe / @needsmorewolves)


아마추어 사진사 폴 울프는 산 정상에서 무슨 일이 벌어지고 있다고 생각했다.

우연히 찍은 사진이지만  이 사진은  일파만파 SNS를 통해 순식간에 퍼졌다.


알렉스 젠싯스키와 케이티 버코보드는 미국 오리건주 컬럼비아 강 협곡의 문라 

포인트 정상에 도달했다.

알렉스는 산 정상에서 여자친구 케이티 버코보드를 향해 무릅를 꿇고 청혼을 했다.


알렉스는 "프러포즈를 위해 함께 산을 오르는데 가슴이 정말 드럼처럼 쿵쿵 뛰었다" 

면서 "긴장된 프러포즈에 대한 그녀의 대답은 '예스' 였다" 며 기뻐했다. 


두 사람은 내년 7월 결혼 예정이다.

[에디터 황기철]


By Betsy Hammond | betsyhammond@oregonian.com The Oregonian 

Amateur Portland photographer Paul Wolfe was hiking a ridge in the Columbia River Gorge when something stunning unfolded before him: Atop otherwise-empty Munra Point, etched against a white-cloud sky, a man dropped to his knees before a woman, his hands and face raised toward her.


Wolfe knew instantly that he was witnessing a marriage proposal and followed his photographer's instinct: Snap! The image he captured with his iPhone 5C is breathtaking for its simultaneous sweep and intimacy.


He did not know the couple or their story, but friends who saw the black and white photo Wolfe posted on his Facebook page urged him to find them.


The couple deserved to have a copy of the photograph, they said. And people who saw the image wanted to know more: Who were these lovers and did she say yes?


Encouraged by his friends, Wolfe posted to Reddit the photo and his plea for information about the couple who got engaged on Munra Point on Thanksgiving afternoon.


What happened next, Wolfe says, "was lightning fast. Within an hour or so, the post was No. 1 on the front page of Reddit and had thousands of views in Imgur.  Within five hours, the best man messaged me."



Wolfe has yet to meet the newly engaged couple: Al Gensitskiy of Camas and Katie Verkovod, a first-year teacher in Spokane. But he has been in touch with Gensitskiy and donated to a fund he and Verkovod are building to help them travel and volunteer in Southeast Asia next year for their honeymoon.


The pair are clearly adventurous, which helps explain why they were out hiking up a steep, slippery mountain that Thanksgiving afternoon, Wolfe said.


Wolfe is a visual artist and very interested in photography, but he brushes off praise for his spectacular proposal-on-a-mountain shot. "I like to attribute the technical pleasing qualities to my skills as a photographer, but in reality anybody could have taken this photo," he said.


What is special, he concedes, is the way people came together to spur the connection between him and his photograph and the newly engaged pair. "I  truly appreciate the positive response to my photograph and am grateful that art continues to move people emotionally and inspire kindness in this crazy, mixed up world.


"I did not expect it to generate such an overwhelming response, but I'm glad it did, since the couple now have this photo," Wolfe said. "I think it was successful because people empathized with the photo and connected to the mystery.  They wanted the story to have a happy ending and, because of them, it did."


-- Betsy Hammond



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