보고타, 여자에게 가장 위험한 교통치안 도시 선정 서울은 12위 Ranking the most dangerous transport systems for women in major cities

Ranking the most dangerous transport systems for women in major cities

Thomson Reuters Foundation poll ranks London worse than New York, Beijing, and Tokyo, while Bogota, Colombia ranks worst overall



톰슨 로이터 재단은 세계에서 가장 위험한 교통시스템을 운영하는

세계 주요 도시를 발표했다.


런던은 뉴욕 베이징 도쿄보다도 더 위험한 것으로 나타났으며

콜롬비아 보고타는 여자에게 가장 취약한 도시 1위로 선정됐다.


Passengers wait for a Transmilenio system bus during rush hour in Bogota


1위 보고타

2위 멕시코 시티

3위 리마


로 주로 남미도시에 집중되어 있었으며 서울은 12위 도쿄는

15위로 집계됐다.


톰슨로이터는 여성의 권리, 남녀 평등, 도시계획, 남녀 도시친화공간

조간 등을 주요 집계 기준으로 산정했다.


Seoul Metro

[에디터 황기철]


Recently, the Thomson Reuters Foundation released a poll exploring the most dangerous cities for women in terms of public transport. The poll was conducted in 15 of the world's largest capitals and in New York, the most populous city in the United States.


Since its release, the poll has triggered a significant debate around the globe, from London – which ranked worse than New York, Beijing, and Tokyo – to Bogota, Colombia, which ranked worst overall with women scared to travel after dark.

The survey involved questioning women in each of the 16 cities, as well as experts focused on women’s rights, gender equality, urban planning and gender-friendly urban spaces. The survey was carried out in collaboration with a major UK polling company, YouGov.


The results of the polls were indexed and ranked by the Quantitative Research Team at StarMine, a division of Thomson Reuters whose researchers create analytics and quantitative models from large amounts of data.



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