전자담배 발암물질, 일반 담배의 10배 E-cigarettes have 10 times carcinogens: Japan researchers


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전자담배가 일반 담배보다 최대 10배 많은 발암물질을 포함하고 있다는 연구 결과가 나왔다고 일본 TBS방송이 26일(현지시간) 보도했다.


일본 국립보건의료과학원은 시중에 판매되는 몇 종의 전자담배 액상에서 나오는증기를 분석한 결과, 포름알데히드와 아세트알데히드 같은 발암물질을 검출했다는 연구 보고서를 일본 후생성에 제출했다.
보고서를 만든 국립보건의료과학원의 구누기타 나오키 연구원은 특히 전자담배의 액상을 가열하면서 발생하는 포름알데히드는 일반 담배에서 발생하는 것보다 최대 10배가 많았다고 밝혔다.


현재 세계적으로 사용자가 늘고 있는 전자담배는 연기를 발생시키는 일반 담배와는 달리, 니코틴과 향 등을 첨가한 액상을 가열해서 나오는 증기를 흡입하는 방식을 취하고 있다.


일본을 포함한 다수 국가는 현재 전자담배에 규제 조치를 취하지 않고 있다. 일본의 전자담배 판매는 서구와는 달리 상점보다는 인터넷을 통해 이뤄진다.


세계보건기구(WHO)는 지난 8월 전자담배가 태아와 젊은이들에게 심각한 위협을 가한다고 경고하면서 각국 정부가 전자담배를 미성년자들에게 판매하는 것은 물론 공공 실내 장소내 흡입도 금지할 것을 촉구한 바 있다.


E-cigarettes have 10 times carcinogens
: Japan researchers


E-cigarettes contain up to 10 times the amount of cancer-causing agents as regular tobacco, Japanese scientists say

© Getty/AFP/File E-cigarettes contain up to 10 times the amount of cancer-causing

agents as regular tobacco, Japanese scientists say


E-cigarettes contain up to 10 times the amount of cancer-causing agents as regular tobacco, Japanese scientists said Thursday, the latest blow to an invention once heralded as less harmful than smoking.


A team of researchers commissioned by Japan's Health Ministry studied the vapour produced by e-cigarettes for signs of carcinogens, a media report said.


The electronic devices -- increasingly popular around the world, particularly among young people -- function by heating flavoured liquid, which often contains nicotine, into a vapour that is inhaled, much like traditional cigarettes, but without the smoke.


Researchers found carcinogens such as formaldehyde and acetaldehyde in vapour produced by several types of e-cigarette liquid, TBS television reported.


Formaldehyde -- a substance found in building materials and embalming fluids -- was present at levels 10 times those found in the smoke from regular cigarettes, TBS said.


Researcher Naoki Kunugita and his team at the National Institute of Public Health submitted their report to the ministry on Thursday, the broadcaster said.


Neither the scientist nor anyone from the health ministry were immediately available to confirm the report.


In common with many jurisdictions, Japan does not regulate e-cigarettes, which can be bought easily on the Internet. However, unlike in some Western countries, they are not readily available in shops.


In August, the World Health Organization called on governments to ban the sale of e-cigarettes to minors, warning they pose a "serious threat" to unborn babies and young people.

The UN health body also said they should be banned from indoor public spaces.






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