드론 조종사의 연봉은? Drone pilot wanted: Starting salary $100,000 VIDEO

Drone pilot wanted: Starting salary



For an article in the always fascinating New Scientist about the

disconnect between environment and action and its emotional

consequences on drone pilots. Art direction by Craig Mackie

source richard-wilkinson


아마존이나 페이스북 같은 세계 유수의 기업이

드론을 운용하기 위한 조종사와 엔지니어를 채용한다면

얼마를 생각하고 있을까.


연봉 10만불(한화 약 1억1천만원)

시간 당 50불(한화 약 5만 5천원)


물론 드론의 활용에 따른 수익구조에 따라 적용 금액도 달라질 것이다.


하지만 현재는 미국에서 상업적 드론 운영이 법으로 금지되어 있다.

조만간 연방항공청(FAA)법제화가 되면 약 10만명의 일자리가 창출된다고 한다.


대신 기존의 직원들은 감축될 것이고...

미래를 위해 직업 전환도 한번 고려해볼 만하다.

[에디터 황기철]



Tsgt Ricky Best  /  AP
A Defense Department photo taken June 6 shows a student pilot and

sensor operator manning the controls of a MQ-9 Reaper in a ground-based

cockpit during a training mission flown from Hancock Field Air National

Guard Base in Syracuse, New York. source nbcnews.



Your baby cam could be on a Russian website






By Ben Rooney   @ben_rooney

Drone jobs are in high demand.

Big companies, such as Amazon and Facebook, are looking for pilots who fly drones and engineers with experience in building the unmanned aircraft. And they are willing to pay top dollar for the right stuff.


Federal regulations currently prohibit the use of drones for commercial purposes. But all that will change soon, with the Federal Aviation Administration expected to soften rules next year to allow certain light-weight drones to make commercial flights up to 400 feet.


drone job 1


Enter drone industry jobs.

As many as 100,000 new jobs will be created in the first 10 years after unmanned aircraft are cleared for takeoff in U.S. airspace, according to a 2013 report from the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International.


Related: Amazon is hiring drone pilots


Large employers are already paying up for drone pilots -- about $50 an hour, or over $100,000 a year -- according to Al Palmer, director of the center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems at the University of North Dakota.


The university is gearing up to meet the hot demand and Palmer expects the drone industry to grow exponentially as companies discover new uses for drones.


And the tech companies are excited at the prospect.


Facebook is bulking up its drone team. Amazon has said it wants to use drones to deliver small packages over short distances. And Google acquired Titan Aerospace, which makes high-altitude, solar-powered drones.


Why Google bought a drone company
At the University of North Dakota, most of the first 61 drone pilots who graduated have gone to work at major drone manufactures, such as Northrup Grumman (NOC), Lockheed Martin (LMT), General Atomics and Boeing (BA).


Palmer expects drones to be used in agriculture, public safety, oil and gas exploration, and even in the film industry, among others.


Related: Facebook is kicking its drone business into high gear


University donors are getting excited too. The University of North Dakota, which started its bachelor's degree course in unmanned aircraft systems in 2008, recently received a $25 million endowment (it's largest ever) to build a new drone research and training facility

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