중국 청두 468m 크리스탈라인 초고층 빌딩 본격 착수 Construction begins at Chinese ice-inspired skyscraper VIDEO

Greenland Tower Chengdu


미국 시카고의 설계사 아드리안스미스앤고든길이 중국 청두의 468m 크리스탈라인 초고층



이 빌딩은 100층으로 마치 얼음 타워를 연상케 하는 톡특한 컨셉으로 디자인됐으며 야간에

LED 조명에 의해 빌딩의 화려함이 더해질 전망이다.


115m와 147m 2개의 작은 레지던스타워 와 포디움이 함께 건설될 예정으로 2018년 완공 예

으로 있다.


'Greenland Tower Chengdu' 라고 명명된 이 초고층 빌딩이 완공되면 중국 남서부 지역에서

가장 높은 빌딩이 된다.

[에디터 황기철]



Abigail Phillips - Major Projects

Architectural firm Smith and Gill have begun construction of a 468-metre-high crystalline skyscraper in Chengdu, China.


The Greenland Tower Chengdu was designed by Adrian Smith and Gordon Gill and is set to become the tallest building in southwestern China.


According to the architects, the faceted-glass form of the office and hotel tower was “inspired by the unique ice mountain topography around Chengdu.”


At night, inset LED lighting will highlight the edges designed to create the impression of a shimmering glacier. “Like the mountain ridges reflecting the light of the sky and the valleys reflecting light from the earth, the iconic tower will perform as a light sculpture to diffuse light from 360 degrees, creating a connection between sky and earth,” said the architectural firm in a statement.


Due to complete in 2018, the 100-storey-high skyscraper will surpass the city's current tallest buildings, the Chengdu IFS Towers, by over 200 metres.


Two smaller residential towers, standing at 115 and 147 metres, and a six-storey podium housing a shopping centre, conference and exhibition space, and a roof garden, will stand alongside the skyscraper.


Chinese property developer Greenland is behind the project. The company is also working with Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill Architecture on the 636-metre-high Wuhan Greenland Center, which is likely to become China's third-tallest building when it is completed next year.





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