세계 최장신과 최단신의 만남 World's tallest man meets world's shortest man



Chandra Bahadur Dangi, from Nepal, (L) the shortest adult to have ever been verified by Guinness

World Records, meets the world's tallest man Sultan Kosen from Turkey, during a photocall in London

on November 13, 2014, to mark Guinness World Records Day. Chandra Dangi, measures a tiny 21.5in

(0.54m) the same height as six stacked cans of beans. Sultan Kosen measures 8 ft 3in (2.51m).

(Photo: ANDREW COWIE/AFP/Getty Images


제10회 기네스 세계기록의 날 영국 런던의 국회의사당 앞에서

세계 최장신 술탄 코센(246.5㎝)과 세계 최단신 찬드라 당기

(54.61㎝)가 함께 앉아 포즈를 취하고 있다.



The world's tallest and shortest living men met for the first time in London on Thursday, as part of an event to mark the 60th anniversary of Guinness World Records.


Sultan Kosen, from Turkey, who measures 8 feet and 3 inches shook hands with 21.5-inch tall Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal.


Thursday marked the 10th annual Guinness World Records Day, during which thousands of people are expected to come together to celebrate the international day of record-breaking!



The world's shortest man ever, Chandra Bahadur Dangi, 54.6 centimeters, met the

world's tallest living man, Sultan Kösen, 2 meters 51, for the very first time in London.

Duration: 00:56




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