삼성중공업, 20억달러 규모 적도기니 'FLNG건조' 수주 Excelerate to lead Equatorial Guinea FLNG studies - Offshore


적도기니 해상 가스전 위치도


기네스북에 오른 삼성중공업의 세계최초 최대 FLNG선


[FLNG,Floating liquefied natural gas]

해상에서 천연가스를 채굴한 뒤 이를 정제해 LNG로 액화, 저장·하역까지 한번에 할 수 있는 해양플랜트 설비다



Ophir Energy to make Block R FID in 2015. FLNG deal looming


삼성중공업, 세계 최초·최대 규모의 FLNG 진수 성공




삼성중공업이 적도기니 해상 가스전 개발에 투입되는 20억달러 규모의 부유식 액화천연가스설비(FLNG)를 사실상 수주했다.


9일 업계에 따르면 미국의 에너지기업 엑셀러레이트는 최근 홈페이지를 통해 자사가 적도기니 프로젝트의 FLNG 운영회사로 선정됐으며 FLNG건조는 삼성중공업과 미국 엔지니어링업체인 B&V(Black & Veatch)가 맡게 될 것이라고 밝혔다.


적도기니 프로젝트는 아프리카 적도기니 서쪽 140㎞ 해상에서 FLNG를 이용해 연간 300만톤의 LNG를 약 20년간 생산하는 프로젝트다.


업계에서는 연간 생산규모로 볼 때 FLNG 공사가격이 20억달러에 이를 것으로 보고 있다. <디지털타임스>


Equatorial Guinea:

Appointment of Midstream Partner



06 November, 2014

Ophir Energy plc (“Ophir” or “the Company”) announces the appointment of Excelerate Energy, L.P (“Excelerate”) as its lead Midstream Partner for the provision of Floating Liquefaction and Storage facilities at Ophir’s operated FLNG project in Block R, Equatorial Guinea. Excelerate will be appointed as the lead in a consortium of technology providers that is expected to include Samsung Heavy Industries and Black & Veatch. Negotiations regarding a detailed Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) have concluded and will be signed today between the EquatoGuinean Ministry of Mines, Industry and Energy (“MMIE”), GEPetrol, Ophir and Excelerate. This MoU will fully align the parties ahead of a full FEED contract later this year.


Following the recent announcements of (i) the successful Fortuna-2 Well drill stem test and (ii) the agreement with the MMIE on the improved Block R gas fiscal terms to underpin the value of the project, this midstream consortium appointment completes the final key milestone before FEED.


The total estimated mean recoverable resources of Block R, including the discoveries and adjacent de-risked volumes, are 3.4TCF. These resources will be developed through a four phase development which will commence with the development of the Fortuna Field. Additional volumes (1.2TCF from the Silenus Complex, 0.5TCF from Tonel and 0.4TCF from other smaller discoveries) will, in turn, form the later phases of the development.


The Upstream and Midstream FEED contracts will commence





Construction News


