경남기업, 25억 달러 규모 베트남 ‘반퐁(Van Phong) 2단계 석탄화력발전소’ 추진
사업제안서 제출
발전 규모 1320㎿
BOT방식 적용
베트남 정부, 2015년 4월 착수계획
일본 스미모토그룹 참여 추진 중
삼성물산, Vung Ang 3 화력발전 참여 중
Van Phong Thermal Power Plant. Illustrate picture.
Van Phong power station
In January 2011, the Van Phong Economic Zone Management Authority approved a plan by the Sumitomo Corporation to build the two-unit, $2 billion, 1,320-MW, coal-fired Vân Phong-1, as part of a port-industrial complex being planned in Vân Phong Bay.[1] In November 2012, with only site clearing completed, the Vietnamese government urged Sumitomo to line up investors by June 2013 or risk having the project ceded to other investors. In August 2013, Sumitomo contracted Finish company Pöyry to build the plant. As of November 2013, however, Sumitomo was still having trouble with negotiations with the Vietnamese government; the current plan is for construction to begin in April 2015, and for the plant to go online in 2019. The plans for Vân Phong-2 are apparently still hypothetical. sourcewatch.org
Vân Phong power station is a 1,320-megawatt (MW) coal plant under
development in Khánh Hòa province, Vietnam
경남기업은 28일 베트남 정부에 ‘반퐁 2단계 석탄화력발전소’ 사업제안서를 제출했다.
Construction News