요코가와코리아전기, 삼성물산 사우디 라비그2 복합화력발전소 통합시스템 수주 Yokogawa wins order for Rabigh 2 power project


The Rabigh-2 power project


라비그2 복합화력발전소 위치도




요코가와전기의 한국회사인 요코가와코리아가 삼성물산이 시공하고 있는 사우디 라비그2 복합화력발전소 통합콘트롤시스템을 수주했다.


이 시스템은 전 발전시설을 모니터링하고 관리하며 내년 중반까지 공급될 계획으로 회사관계자는 요코가와전기의 강력한 기술능력이 보여준 결과라고 언급했다.


사우디전력청이 민관협력(PPP)으로 발주한 라비그2 복합화력발전소는 삼성물산 컨소시엄이 2013년 12월 12억 1400만불에 수주한 바 있다. 


사우디 제2도시인 제다에서 북쪽으로 150km 떨어진 라비그 지역에 발전용량 2100MW(3x 700MW)급의 가스복합 화력발전소를 짓는 프로젝트로 현지 발전업체 아크와 파워인터내셔널과 컨소시엄을 이뤄 수주해 시공 중에 있으며 2017년 6월 첫 운영계획으로 있다.


<에디터 황기철>




Yokogawa wins order for Rabigh 2 power project



Yokogawa Electric Korea, a business unit of Yokogawa Electric Corporation, has won an order to supply control systems to Samsung C&T Corporation for the Rabigh 2 combined cycle power plant project in Saudi Arabia.


The company will deliver a Centum VP integrated production control system for the monitoring and operation of all plant facilities, including the gas turbines, steam turbines, exhaust-heat-recovery boilers, and the control of exhaust-heat-recovery boilers.


Yokogawa will be responsible for engineering and will also provide support for installation, commissioning, and operator training. This system is scheduled to be delivered by the middle of next year.


The firm said in a statement that the winning of the order can be attributed to its solid track record in providing control systems to the power industry, including over 100 systems for combined cycle power plants, and to the strong engineering capabilities of Yokogawa Electric Korea.

The Rabigh 2 power plant will have three 700 megawatts (MW) combined cycle power units with gas turbines, giving it a total capacity of 2,100MW.


Rabigh 2 is being built for Al Mourjan Electricity Production Company, whose shareholders are the Saudi Electricity Company (50%) and a consortium consisting of Samsung C&T Corporation and ACWA Power International, an independent power producer.

The plant is scheduled to start operation in June 2017




Construction News

