'세계 7대도시(New 7 wonders cities)' 프로젝트 후보지 선정 Doha on shortlist to become New7Wonders City

설립자인 독일의 베르나르 웨버가 지난 7월 21개 후보지를 발표하고 있다, world.new7wonders




카타르 도하가 GCC국가로는 처음으로 '세계 7대도시(New 7 wonders cities)의 14개 후보지의 하나로 선정됐다.


220개국의 1200개 이상의 도시가 지원한 가운데 14개 도시를 선정한 뉴세븐원더스(New7Wonders)가 '신세계7대 불가사의' '세계7대 경관'에 이어 진행하는 세 번째 프로젝트로 올해 12월 7일 최종 7개 도시가 최종 확정될 예정이다.



14개 후보지는 다음과 같다.

Doha(Qatar), Barcelona (Spain), Beirut (Lebanon), Chicago (United States), Durban (South Africa), Havana (Cuba), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), La Paz (Bolivia), London (United Kingdom), Mexico City (Mexico), Perth (Australia), Quito (Ecuador), Reykjavik (Iceland) and Vigan (Philippines).


설립자인 독일의 베르나르 웨버가 운영하는 뉴세븐원더스(New7Wonders)의 본부는 독일 뮌헨에 있으며 제주도를 세계 7대 경관으로 선정한 바 있다.

<에디터 황기철>


Doha on shortlist to become New7Wonders City




The New7Wonders Cities campaign has Doha as one of the 14 official finalists through to the last round of the global campaign.


Started two years ago, New7Wonders Cities is the third global vote and follows the New7Wonders of the World and New7Wonders of Nature campaigns.


Doha is the only city in the GCC shortlisted from over 1,200 nominees from more than 220 countries and the seven official New7Wonders Cities will be declared on 7 December this year.


At the New7Wonders headquarters in Munich, Germany Bernard Weber, founder-president of New7Wonders, said: “The short-list is as inspiring as it is enlightening.”


Other finalists include Barcelona (Spain), Beirut (Lebanon), Chicago (United States), Durban (South Africa), Havana (Cuba), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), La Paz (Bolivia), London (United Kingdom), Mexico City (Mexico), Perth (Australia), Quito (Ecuador), Reykjavik (Iceland) and Vigan (Philippines).


According to Eamonn Fitzgerald, head of communication at New7Wonders: “The shortlist will now help voters to focus their understanding of a key trend shaping our world today: urbanisation. Whether it is innovation or income inequality, or migration or mass transport, some of the most provocative questions of our time are being debated in the context of a changing world in which the majority of humanity lives in cities.”


The foundation aims at contributing to the protection of the world’s human-built and natural heritage and fostering respect for the planet’s diversity and was established in 2001.


To push Doha into the final stage, voters may cast votes via the website new7wonders.com, via the iPhone and Android apps, international telephone voting lines and via national SMS.




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