노르웨이 12살 소녀 결혼, 남편 나이는? 무려 Norway’s First Child Wedding Was Arranged To Prevent Others From Happening
노르웨이 소녀 테아는 올해 12살이다.
12살 소녀가 10월 11일 결혼을 한다. 그것도 무려 25살이나 차이 나는 37살 남자와
테아의 블로그에 올려진 이 사실로 지금 노르웨이는 격론에 들끊고 있다.
만일 결혼을 하게되면 노르웨이의 첫 아동 결혼이 된다.
<에디터 황기철>
by Jon Skaret
Thea (12) is Norway’s first child bride. The young girl will walk down the aisle on Saturday October 11, to meet her 37 years old husband to be. Being Norway’s first official child wedding, the event has sparked an outcry of reactions from the public.
“Hey! My name is Thea and I’m 12 years old. I am getting married in one month!”.
More info: stoppbryllupet.no | Facebook
This is how Thea has introduced her upcoming journey and major life event of soon being a child bride in Norway. Using this blog she will tell her story and express how she believes her experience of marriage will be.
Thea’s wedding blog has become Norway’s most read blog during the course of one day. It instantly provoked reactions where people immediately contacted the police and child welfare in order to stop the upcoming wedding.
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