아스팔트 구덩이에 빠져 돌덩이로 변한 강아지 The dog that turned into a rock: Rescuers take two days..VIDEO

The dog that turned into a rock: Rescuers take two days to free animal after it slipped into hot tar and solidified


인도 라자스탄에서 한 강아지가 뜨거운 아스팔트 타르에  미끄러져 빠졌다.

강아지는 끈적끈적한 타르를 뒤집어 쓴 채 전혀 꼼짝할 수가 없었다.


구조된 강아지는 돌덩어리가 되어 있었으며 사람들은 모두 절망스러워했다.


구조대는 점성이 강해 쉽게 떨어지지 않는 타르를 식물성 기름을 사용해 부드럽게

만들어가면서 하나 하나씩 조심스럽게  제거해 나갔다.


결국 강아지는 정성어린 이틀간의 구조작업 덕분에 살아날 수 있었다.

<에디터 황기철>


Dog was spotted after it fell into hot tar in Rajasthan, western India
It was left unable to move after the thick substance cooled, coating its fur
Team of rescuers worked for two days to free the helpless animal

By Stephanie Linning for MailOnline

This touching video shows a team of rescuers as they work tirelessly to save a dog after it fell into hot tar in western India.

The animal was left unable to move after it slipped into the thick, sticky substance and it cooled - coating its fur in a solid layer of tar.

A passer-by spotted the dog as it lay on the ground covered in dirt and twigs, and phoned a local rescue centre based in Udaipur, Rajasthan.

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Desperate: The dog, seen covered in twigs and leaves on the ground, was left unable to move after the thick, sticky substance solidified - coating its fur in a rigid layer of tar

Gentle: The team from Animal Aid Unlimited work to slowly free the animal from the rigid layer of tar. They use vegetable oil to soften the substance - pulling clumps of it away as it comes loose

Gentle: The team from Animal Aid Unlimited work to slowly free the animal from the rigid layer of tar. They use vegetable oil to soften the substance - pulling clumps of it away as it comes loose

The video shows a team from Animal Aid Unlimited as they begin to work on freeing the dog - slowly massaging tar from its limbs and body as it lies on the dirt.
The rescuers use small amounts of vegetable oil to soften the tar, gently pulling clumps of the congealed substance away as it comes loose.



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