손목에 착용하는 휴대용 '드론 Drone' nixie quadcopter drone is a wearable camera that fits onto your wrist VIDEO



nixie quadcopter drone is a wearable camera that fits onto your wrist

images courtesy of fly nixie


크기는 작지만 정말 공중에서 촬영을 하는 드론이다. 게다가 구부려서 손목에 착용할 수도 있다. '구글 글래스'와 '애플 워치'등 여러 웨어러블 테크놀로지의 제품들이 개발됐지만, '닉시'는 웨어러블의 트렌드에서도 다소 희한한 사례다

the ‘nixie’ quadcopter drone by fly nixie, is the first wearable camera as it fits around your wrist and is one of the finalists for intel’s make it wearable challenge. it has a tiny, rotating polaroid in its middle body that captures active pictures of the user from unique angles and positions. when not in use, the gadget acts similarly to a bracelet by fixing around you wrist so that it is safe and easily accessible to the wearer. when transforming for operation, the straps divide and unfold to create a quadcopter that flies, takes photos and videos, then comes back to you.  the ‘nixie’ is still in development but is a finalist for the intel competition which aims to challenge designers to change the future of wearable technology.



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