미래의 경찰견 후보들 스패니얼 펍!!! The adorable police spaniel pups who will soon be sniffing out drugs and explosives



Crack team: The six cute puppies will be trained as sniffer dogs, helping police to foil some of Britain's most feared criminals


미래의 경찰견 후보들 스패니얼 펍!!!

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It's puppy training day!

The adorable police spaniel pups who will soon be sniffing out drugs and explosives


West Midlands Police proudly reveal their latest canine recruits
Brood of Springer-Cocker Spaniel cross puppies will become sniffer dogs
They will be taught to foil some of Britain's most dangerous criminals
But must first be adopted for a year before embarking on intense training
Police are asking people who would like to care for one to come forward

By Jack Crone for MailOnline
Police in the West Midlands have revealed their latest crack team of recruits, brought in to deal with the ever-growing threat of drugs and explosive devices.

The new crew - an adorable brood of puppies - will be trained to bring down some of Britain's toughest criminals by sniffing out danger ahead of officers.  

The seven-week-old Springer-Cocker Spaniel cross puppies, known as Sprockers, are the first to be born into the West Midlands Police's dog breeding programme, based in Balsall Common, Birmingham.

The three boys and three girls were born into the force's 'T-litter' on August 19 and are named Trev, Ted, Tyler, Topsey, Trotter and Turvey.

Officers are now looking for members of the public to adopt them until they are 12 months old.

After a year they will then be trained for eight weeks to become specialist search dogs or sniffer dogs - hunting out explosives and drugs.
Yesterday, Dave Raymond, breed scheme manager at the force's dog unit, said: 'All the pups are doing really well - they're healthy and Olympia is a fantastic first-time mum.
'What we're trying to achieve in breeding Sprockers is to bring out certain temperaments in each of the breeds.

New recruit

New recruit: The puppy is one of six Springer-Cocker Spaniel cross pups, known as Sprockers, that will be trained by West Midlands Police

Adorable src

Adorable: Police are looking for members of the public to adopt them until they are 12 months old

New recruit: The puppy is one of six Springer-Cocker Spaniel cross pups, known as Sprockers, that will be trained by West Midlands Police
Adorable: Police are looking for members of the public to adopt them until they are 12 months old

Criminals beware

Criminals beware: The puppies, three girls and three boys, were born on August 19 in Birmingham

When they are one year old they will be trained for eight weeks to become specialist search dogs or sniffer dogs
Puppy walkers are said to be vital to the training school as they help orientate the dogs for the next 12 months allowing them to experience living in a home

Training: When they are one year old they will be trained for eight weeks to become specialist search dogs or sniffer dogs

Mr Raymond added: 'After their time with the puppy walkers, they'll go on an eight-week course to develop their search instincts.

'They'll complete searches in buildings, streets, open spaces and vehicles with a view to becoming either a drugs sniffer dog or specialist search dog, depending on what they show an aptitude for.

Just born

Just born: The six cute puppies feed from their mother shortly after their birth

New colleagues

New colleagues: West Midlands Police officers proudly show off their latest canine recruits

'Anyone over 18, who would normally be at home during the day to look after the pups can apply.
'We're also looking for puppy walkers as we're quite low on numbers at the moment and could really do with some more volunteers.'

Anybody interested in adopting one of the puppies can get in touch by tweeting West Midlands Police or emailing breedscheme@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk.
'But for now, it's important they're just allowed to be pups and have fun developing in a happy environment, without any fears.



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