세계 200위 건설사의 5년간 분석 리포트 iC- 200 - 5 Year Toplist 2010-2014


iC-200 -  5 Year Toplist 2010-2014


International Construction’s unique ranking of the world’s 200 largest construction companies.

Genre: Top List
Sector: Construction
Published: July 2014
No. pages: 32
Format: Digital
Price: £100.00 / $160.00 / €120.00


International Construction's ranking of the world's 200 largest construction companies is one of the world's most respected benchmark studies for the global construction industry during the 2009-2013 period.

It charts the rises and falls of the global sector's most important companies reflecting individual company's success and failures, as well as wider industry trends such as corporate consolidation and the ebb and flow of different markets.

It is these crucial long-term trends that are covered in this compendium of five years of the iC200. This multi-year study allows readers not only to follow the movements of individual companies, but the movements of whole groups of companies from different countries and different sectors.

The report is in English and all prices given are for DIGITAL format only






