동일본철도(JR East), 캘리포니아 고속철 차량 공급 수주에 전력 East Japan Railway targets Californian high speed contracts


동일본철도(JR East), 캘리포니아 고속철 차량 공급 수주에 전력


일본 컨소시엄이 캘리포니아 고속철 차량공급 입찰에 박차를 가하고 있다.


그동안 동일본 컨소시엄은 일본 신간선 철도시스템 기술 실적과 캘리포니아 고속철 노선지역이 일본과 같이 지진지대인 점을 최대 강점으로 부각시켜 왔으며 고속철 발주처에도 많은 영향을 끼쳤을 것으로 보고 있다.


JR East는 JSR외에 6개사로 구성된 Japan California HSR 컨소시엄을 발표하고 2012년부터 수주활동을 시작해왔으며 컨소시엄 구성은 스미모토상사, 히다찌 비쓰비시 중공업 등이 참여하고 있다. 


첫 25량의 철도차량 공급에 대한 입찰은 금년 말 안에 시행될 것으로 예상되며 480km 중 첫 구간인 캘리포니아 센트럴밸리를 통과 47km구간은 현재 용지정리 작업이 진행 중에 있다.


한편 Phase1 구간에 대한 설계 시공사는 2013년 4월 Tutor Perini/Zachary/Parsons컨소시엄이 결정되었으며 초기 공사구간인 Madera-Fresno구간의 설계와 시공을 전담하게 된다.


미 고속철청은 2028년부터 샌프란시스코~LA를 3시간대에 주파하는 One-seat ride 시스템을 만들기 위해 680억불의 예산을 투입할 예정이다.

<에디터 황기철>


SOURCE cityofgilroy


[California High-Speed Rail]

California High-Speed Rail is a planned high-speed rail system in the state of California. The planned line would connect Los Angeles with San Francisco and allow for future extensions to San Diego and Sacramento. Initial funding for the project was approved by California voters on November 4, 2008, and authorized the issuance of US$9.95 billion in bonds for the project.

The project's cost and scope have long been a source of controversy. The California High-Speed Rail Authority has estimated the project's year-of-expenditure cost at $68.4 billion (2011 estimate).

In July 2014 The World Bank reported that the per kilometer cost of California's high-speed rail system was $56 million, as compared with $17–21 million per km in China and $25–39 million per km in Europe.<wiki>




East Japan Railway targets Californian high speed contracts


08 Sep 2014

USA: JR East is to lead a Japanese consortium in bidding for railway systems contracts for the Los Angeles – San Francisco high speed line now being developed by the California High Speed Rail Authority(CHSRA)


JR East announced in Tokyo that it expects to work in partnership with six other firms in an effort to export Japanese Shinkansen technology to the USA.


While the prime focus if the consortium would be rolling stock, JR East is also understood to be targeting the supply of signalling equipment.


The group also reportedly believes that Japan’s experience of building and operating high speed lines through areas prone to seismic activity could be attractive to CHSRA.


JR East was a founder member of the Japan California HSR Consortium, which was launched in July 2012, along with Sumitomo Corp, Hitachi, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Mitsubishi Corp, Nippon Shryo and Kawasaki Heavy Industries.


Tenders for the supply of an initial batch of around 25 high speed trainsets are expected to be issued by the end of the year.


Land clearance work is already underway on the first 47 km of the 480 km Initial Operating Section through California’s Central Valley.


CHSRA intends to offer a ‘one seat ride’ between San Francisco and Los Angeles from 2028 under the $68bn programme.



Construction News

