현대건설, 싱가포르 주롱 '해저 유류비축기지 1단계' 준공 Singapore opens S$950m underground rock cavern at Jurong VIDEO




출처 매일경제


싱가포르 해저 유류비축기지 현장


[싱가포르 해저 유류비축기지 JRC1 : Jurong Rock Cavern Project]




Singapore opens S$950m underground rock cavern at Jurong


construction contents




2단계도 수주 가능성


현대건설이 지난 2일 싱가포르 최대 규모의 '해저 유류비축기지(JRC1)'를 완공하고, 준공식을 가졌다고 4일 밝혔다.


이번에 준공한 해저 유류비축기지는 현대건설이 해외에서 처음으로 수주한 유류비축기지 프로젝트로 싱가포르 서남단 주롱섬 인근의 반얀해역 150m 지하 암반에 150만㎥의 원유 비축기지(약 930만 배럴 규모) 및 유조선 접안ㆍ운영 시설을 건설한 공사다.


주롱섬은 싱가포르 정부가 전략적으로 '오일허브'로 조성하는 곳으로 싱가포르 내에 유류ㆍ화학제품을 비축할 땅이 부족해지자 주롱섬 해저를 뚫고 대형 유류기지를 건설하고 있다.


현재 싱가포르에 건설돼 있거나 건설 예정인 저장시설 규모는 1억8300만 배럴 정도인데 이번 프로젝트(1, 2단계)가 담당하는 용량은 1800만 배럴이다. 이번 공사는 이 중 1단계 공사로 약 930만 배럴에 해당하는 저장동굴을 건설했다.


현대건설은 향후 발주될 2단계 유류비축기지 수주 경쟁에서도 유리한 위치를 선점할 것으로 기대하고 있다.


이날 행사에는 리센룽 싱가포르 총리와 발주처인 JTC코퍼레이션 루춘용 회장, 정수현 현대건설 사장 등이 참석했다.


김민진 기자 enter@asiae.co.kr

Construction News


Singapore opens S$950m underground rock cavern

at Jurong


Jurong Rock Caverns is Southeast Asia's first commercial underground rock cavern storage facility for liquid hydrocarbons.

SINGAPORE: The Jurong Rock Caverns (JRC), the first commercial underground rock cavern storage facility for liquid hydrocarbons in Southeast Asia, was officially opened on Tuesday (Sep 2). It will be a key support for Singapore's petrochemical industry.


Speaking at the opening, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong says that with this experience, the Government is considering more subterranean projects. This includes building an underground science city, an underground warehousing and logistics facility, and potential underground caverns near CleanTech Park in Jurong.


He also said that the project shows Singapore's determination to build a petrochemical industry, despite land constraints and the potential impact of an impending United Nations agreement on carbon emissions, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.



The S$950-million dollar Jurong Rock Caverns took six years of planning, and another eight years of construction. It will be used to store liquid hydrocarbons such as crude oil and condensate.


The rock cavern was excavated using explosives, and it takes about one and a half to two years to excavate each rock cavern. The water pressure outside the cavern keeps the contents of the cavern in their place.


The caverns are the deepest known public works in Singapore to date - deeper than underpasses, the deep tunnel sewerage system, and four times deeper than Bras Brasah, the deepest station in the train network. Tunnels measuring 9km provide access to the caverns, and there are five of them, with a total capacity of 1.47 million cubic metres - a storage capacity equivalent to 600 Olympic-sized swimming pools..


Building this infrastructure underground was challenging, but worthwhile, said Mr Lee: "It costs more than doing it above ground, about 30 per cent more, in order to build the infrastructure to store oil and condensate underground, compared to reclaiming land, on a per unit of crude or condensate basis. This endeavour also involved immense challenges and significant risks. But we pursued it because it was worthwhile."

The caverns freed up 60 hectares of surface land for higher-value facilities, he noted, "and 60 hectares is enough to house up to six petrochemical plants. But more importantly, it opened up, for us, further possibilities for development, with the expertise and the confidence that we gained building these Caverns."


Mr Lee highlighted the importance of the petrochemical industry to Singapore: "We will develop the petrochemical industry, because the industry provides good jobs for Singaporeans, because it contributes significantly to our economy. In fact, the chemicals industry is one-third of our manufacturing output. And also, because we are determined to find all ways to make a living for ourselves in the world."



Two of the caverns were completed this March and are already being used by Jurong Aromatics Corporation to store feedstock for its aromatics plant, which is currently being developed. The three remaining caverns are expected to be ready by end 2016.


Said Mr Loo Choon Yong, Chairman of JTC Corporation: "We also had to consider the commercial viability of the project. We worked with various stakeholders at the onset, to ensure that the JRC would match manufacturers' requirements so that we could market it successfully."


JTC says an extension, or a second phase, could be developed if there is industry demand. JTC also says that the 3.5 million cubic metres of rock excavated for this project will be used in land reclamation, and for paving roads.





싱가포르 해저 유류비축기지 현장





