목이 너무 길어서 슬픈 소년...자선단체가 수술해준다 Chinese teenager to undergo surgery on his extraordinarily long neck VIDEO


Fu Wengui has an extra long neck, which causes him pain. The 15-year-old's father claims his son has

10 vertebrae in his neck rather than the usual seven, dailymail



목이 너무 길어 슬픈 소년이 수술을 한다.


허핑턴포스트US의 보도에 따르면 지나치게 긴 목을 갖고 태어난 15살 소년 '푸 웬구이'가 목을 짧게 하는 수술을 받을 예정이다. 그는 선천적으로 목뼈를 3개 더 갖고 태어났다.


보통 포유류는 7개의 목뼈를 갖고 있으나 그는 10개의 목뼈를 갖고 있다. '쿼키 차이나'의 보도에 의하면 지나치게 긴 목뼈가 계속해서 신경을 건드려서 웬구이는 일상적으로 걷는 것조차 고통스러울 정도다.


웬구이의 아버지인 푸 겐유는 "아들은 6살부터 선천적 척추측만증으로 고통받아왔다"며 이번 수술로 불필요한 3개의 목뼈를 제거하면 척추측만증 증세도 완화될 것으로 기대하고 있다.


수술비는 베이징에 있는 한 자선단체가 지원할 예정이다. 웬구이는 이번 수술에 대해 "그저 평범한 목을 갖는 게 소원"이라고 밝혔다.


허핑턴포스트코리아  | 작성자 김도훈





Chinese teenager to undergo surgery on his extraordinarily

long neck


Chinese teenager to undergo surgery on his extraordinarily long neck
Fu Wengui, from Beijing, has three extra vertebrae in his neck, it is claimed
These cause him pain and make it difficult to walk, his father says

15-year-old is now due to undergo surgery to help relive his condition
By Anna Hodgekiss for MailOnline

A 15-year-old boy is to undergo surgery on his exceptionally long neck, which causes him agonising pain.

Fu Wengui, who lives in Beijing, China, suffers from a number of conditions.

While the standard number of verbetrae in the neck is 7, Fu has 10, his father Fu Genyou claims.


The extra vertebrae press on the nerves in Wengui

The extra vertebrae press on the nerves in Wengui's neck and make it difficult for him to walk,' said his father Fu Genyou


These vertebrae press on the nerves in his neck and make it difficult for him to walk,' said the 50-year-old.

'He always causes a stir whenever he goes out.'

Aged six, Wengui was diagnosed with congenital scoliosis and abnormal chest frame.'
Congenital scoliosis is a spinal deformity caused by vertebrae that are not properly formed. It occurs very early in development; in the first six weeks of embryonic formation.
Wengui is now due to have surgery to try and reduce the size of his neck.
A Beijing-based charity has agreed to sponsor the procedure and doctors in Chaoyang Hospital are now making out a treatment plan.
Wengui said: 'I just hope I can have a normal neck.'



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