중국, 산호초(coral reef) 매립해 인공섬으로 China building artificial island in South China Sea VIDEO




Airbus Defence and Space imagery shows land reclamation ongoing at Johnson South Reef in the South China Sea. Images released by the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 15 May 2014 (left) show the progress of construction on the reef from 13 March 2012 to 11 March 2014. (CNES 2014, Distribution Astrium Services/Spot Image S.A./IHS)

2012년 3월부터 2014년 3월까지의 중국의 산호초 인공섬 조성 현황



중국이 올 들어 난사(南沙) 군도에서 산호초 5곳을 매립해 '인공 섬'으로 바꿔 놓았다고 미국의 중화권 매체 둬웨이(多維)가 '더 필리핀 스타'를 인용해 30일 보도했다. 남중국해에 위치한 난사 군도는 중국·대만·베트남·말레이지아·필리핀 등이 영유권 분쟁을 벌이고 있다.


지난 7월 19일 남중국해 난사(南沙) 군도의 산호초인 화양자오(華陽礁) 전경. 매립에 투입된 중장비들이 눈에 띈다. 중국은 필리핀·베트남과의 남중국해 영유권 분쟁에서 유리한 고지를 차지하기 위해 이 지역 5개 산호초를 매립해 인공섬으로 바꾸고 있다. /둬웨이


중국은 츠과자오(赤瓜礁)·화양자오(華陽礁)·둥먼자오(東門礁)·난쉰자오(南熏礁)·안다자오(安達礁) 등에 활주로와 부두로 보이는 시설을 짓고 있다. 이 중 츠과자오의 면적은 30헥타르(ha)에 달한다. 명칭도 암초(礁)에서 섬(島)으로 바꿔 부르기 시작했다.


중국은 '인공 섬'에 군사 기지를 건설해 남중국해에서 필리핀·베트남 등을 견제할 계획이다. 현재 중국군의 남중국해 전진 기지인 하이난다오(海南島)에서는 1000㎞ 이상 떨어진 난사 군도까지 전투기 출동이 어렵다. 전투기 작전 반경이 400㎞ 정도이기 때문이다.


베이징=안용현 특파원





China building artificial island in South China Sea


James Hardy, London - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly

15 May 2014

China is attempting to bolster its presence in the South China Sea by creating an artificial island on a reef in the disputed Spratly Islands.


Satellite imagery provided by Airbus Defence and Space corroborates images released by the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs that shows major land reclamation on Johnson South Reef, which is claimed by Manila as Mabini Reef, as Chigua Reef by China and Gac Ma by Vietnam.


Johnson South Reef was at the centre of a 1998 confrontation between China and Vietnam that left more than 70 Vietnamese personnel dead. After taking control of the reef China built a concrete platform and installed radio and communications equipment.


The images released by the Philippine Ministry of Foreign Affairs show that since February 2013 there has been extensive dredging of the atoll to create an islet around the platform. Other concrete structures have also been constructed.


The ministry said the construction appeared to be designed to support an airstrip and said it was "destabilising and in violation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DoC) and international law. Mabini Reef is part of the Kalayaan Island Group (KIG) which is part of Philippine territory".


The DoC was signed by China and the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) in 2002 and seeks to "promote a peaceful, friendly, and harmonious environment in the South China Sea between ASEAN and China".


Article 5 of the DoC states that the parties will "undertake to exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities that would complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stability including, among others, refraining from action of inhabiting on the presently uninhabited islands, reefs, shoals, cays, and other features".

Local media reported that Manila estimates the reclamation to have turned the reef and a sand bar into a 30-hectare (74-acre) islet.

In Beijing Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying reiterated China's "indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha [Spratly] Islands including Chigua Reef and the contiguous waters. Whatever construction China carries out in the Chigua Reef is completely within China's sovereignty".


US State Department Deputy Spokesperson Marie Harf said Washington was aware of the reports and that "major upgrades or the militarisation of disputed land features in the South China Sea by any claimant has the potential to raise tensions".



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