2014~2015 호주 NSW 집행 주요 철도 및 도로 프로젝트 Australia NSW, Major transport infrastructure Projects



2014~2015 호주 NSW 집행 주요 건설 프로젝트


호주 동서 횡단 철도 노선도

호주 동서양단에 제철단지 조성을  위한 동서횡단철도 건설

현재 한국 중국 일본 미국 등의 주력 제철사와 관련사들이 Feasibility Study를 공동투자


호주 뉴사우스 웨일즈주 정부의 2014~15 인프라 집행 및 완공예정일

Highlights, along with the level of NSW Government funding and estimated completion dates,


•$8.3bn on the North West Rail Link, to be completed in 2019.
•$2.8bn on 65 new trains, to be completed in 2024.
•$1.8bn on the South West Rail Link, to be completed in 2015.
•$1.8bn on the West Connex freeway: M4 East/M4 South/M5 East (topping up $1.5bn in Federal Government funding), to be completed in 2023.
•$1.6bn on the CBD and South East Light Rail, to be completed in 2019.
•$633m for roads improvements to the Northern Beaches, including kerbside Bus Rapid Transit, to be completed in 2019.
•$600m for roads around Badgerys Creek Airport (topping up $2.9bn in Federal Government funding), to be completed in 2024.
•$400m for light rail from Parramatta once a priority route has been identified (Parramatta to Macquarie Park shown in the map as a potential option) with no set timetable for completion.
•$400m on the NorthConnex freeway: M1 to M2 (topping up $400m in Federal Government funding), to be completed in 2019.
•$91m on 199 new buses to replace ageing buses and expand the fleet, announced in 2014.

Infrastructure contingent on the sale of the electricity distribution network: an under the Harbour Rail Crossing (previously cited at around $10bn) and Northern/Southern extensions to WestConnex ($1.5bn) have been omitted from this list, as has the Opal rollout ($1.5bn) and an M9 Outer Orbital freeway (uncosted).


Editor kichul,hwang

Construction News

