오만 2650MW 발전소 입찰, 11개 세계적 전력회사들 총출동 Eleven firms show interest in Oman power projects




The winning bidder will secure a licence to develop, finance, design, engineer, construct, own, operate and maintain the plants.


Sohar to Ibri 발전소가 들어설 Ibri지역(B)와 소하르산업항 위치도



오만의 2개의 발전소 건설을 위한 IPP 입찰에 11개의 세계적 전력회사들이 총출동했다.


각 컨소시엄들의 SoQ(실적증명서)는 이미 발주처인 OPWP(오만 수전력구매공사)에 제출되었으며

11개 회사에는 우리나라의 한국전력도 포함되어 있다.


CHD Power Plant Operational Co Ltd,

General Electric,

Mapna Group,

Mitsubishi Corporation

Sembcorp Utilities Pte

EDF International,

GDF Suez,

Korea Electric Power Corporation

Marubeni Corporation

Mitsui & Co Ltd

Sojitz Corporation


EPC방식의 이 프로젝트는 총 2650MW 발전용량을 2개의 발전소로 나누어 건설하게 된다.


입지적으로 Ibri의 그린필드지역은 소하르 산업항과 가깝고 있을 뿐 아니라 해안지역에 근접하고 있어 발전소 예정지로 고려되고 있다.


오만 정부는 매년 9%의 전력 증가에 감당하기 위해 이 프로젝트를 2018년 4월 1일까지 마치도록 입찰조건에 요구하고 있으며 2017년 4월 1일이전에 700MW의 전력이 생산되어야 한다는 조건도 달아놓고 있다.


OPWP에 의하면 2개로 분리된 발전용량과 발전소 위치 결정은 입찰사들이 RFP에서 명시하도록 하고 있으며 Ibri지역에 '조기전력' 공급을 전제로 함을 포함하고 있다.


15억불의 공사비가 예상되는 이 프로젝트는 단일 규모로 오만 역사상 최대의 발전소가 될 전망이다. 


황기철 @conpaper



Eleven firms show interest in Oman power projects


As many as 11 international firms and consortiums are considering bids to build two major power plants in Oman.


Statements of Qualifications (SoQ) from all 11 applicants were submitted to Oman Power and Water Procurement Company (OPWP) by last Sunday’s (3 August) deadline for interested developers to furnish their credentials.


The list contains some international heavyweights including consortiums led by CHD Power Plant Operational Co Ltd, General Electric, Mapna Group, Mitsubishi Corporation and Sembcorp Utilities Pte.


EDF International, GDF Suez, Korea Electric Power Corporation, Marubeni Corporation, Mitsui & Co Ltd and Sojitz Corporation are also in the reckoning.


The successful bidder will secure a licence to develop, finance, design, engineer, construct, own, operate and maintain a pair of Independent Power Projects (IPP) with a combined capacity of 2,650 megawatts (MW) planned at two different locations in the northern half of the Sultanate.


A greenfield inland site in Ibri in Dhahirah Governorate, as well as a coastal site within Sohar Industrial Port Area, are being considered for the establishment of the power plants.


With power demand growing annually at the rate of around 9%, OPWP is keen for the new capacity to be fully commissioned and brought into operation by 1 April, 2018.


However, around 700 MW of early power capacity is required to be made available before 1 April, 2017.


According to OPWP, the split of power capacities between the two sites and the choice of technologies to be used for delivering the required capacities will be determined by the bidders, subject to the constraints that will be identified in the Request for Proposals (RFP).


It is expected that these constraints will include a requirement that “Early Power” capacity is to be provided at the Ibri site only.


With their combined electricity generation capacity of 2,650 MW, they plants together represent the single largest procurement planned to date in the Sultanate’s modern history.


