사우디 정부, '11개 축구경기장' 건설 내년 1월 착수 발표 Saudi to begin eleven stadium projects in January




Saudi Aramco oversaw the building of the 60,000-seater King Abdullah Football Stadium and Sports City

올 6월에 준공된 6만석 규모의 킹 압둘라 축구경기장과 스포츠 콤플렉스



사우디 아람코는 내년 1월에 4만5천석 규모의 11개의 축구경기장을 착수할 것이라고 발표했다.


압둘라 국왕은 올 6월에 준공된 6만석 규모의 킹압둘라 경기장 완공 이후 국영석유회사인 아람코에 추가의 축구경기장을 건설하도록 지시했다.


이 프로젝트는 내년초 착공 후 2017년 즉 2년 내에 완공하도록 계획되었으며 아람코는 6일 세부 입찰 일정을 확정 발표할 것으로 알려졌다.


하지만 경기장 계획및 설계에 사우디 업체는 배제되며 기존 방식대로 외국회사만을 선정할 것으로

알려졌으나 이 같은 조치에 사우디 업계의 거센 반발에 부딪치고 있는 실정이다.


사우디 관료들은 이번 13개지역 11개의 경기장 건설로 지역경제 활성화에 많은 기여를 할 것으로

보고 있다.


황기철 @conpaper



Saudi to begin eleven stadium projects in January


Saudi Aramco has announced that a programme to build eleven 45,000-capacity stadiums across Saudi Arabia will begin in January 2015.


In June, King Abdullah ordered the oil company to carry out the projects after it had successfully delivered the 60,000-seater King Abdullah Football Stadium and Sports City.


Saudi Aramco sources said the 11 stadiums, which are to be built in a similar fashion to King Abdullah Football Stadium, would be completed within two years and no later than 2017.


Aramco is expected to release details of bidding conditions for local and international companies to qualify for the project today (Wednesday 6 August).


However, Saudi consulting firms will not be involved in the design of the stadiums as Aramco has decided to exclusively employ international consultants.


The decision has attracted criticism from The Saudi Council of Engineers which said that local consultants were more than capable of delivering the designs required.


“Saudi architects should have a role in building their country’s stadiums,” Hamad Al-Shaqawi, president of the organisation, told Al-Eqtisadiah business daily.



“At least 200 Saudi engineers should benefit from these projects,” he added.


Eleven of Saudi Arabia’s 13 regions will benefit from the projects including Madinah, Eastern Province, Northern Border Province, Hail, Tabuk, Al-Jouf, Baha, Najran, Jazan, Asir and Qassim.


The governorates of these regions have not yet handed over plots to Aramco for building the stadiums, one source said, adding that it would delay implementation of the projects.


Dammam Mayor Fahd Al-Jubeir said his organisation has allocated two million m² of land south of Dhahran Airbase to build the Eastern Province stadium.



Construction News

